Opeth - selling-out?


Nov 30, 2001
Bristol, England
Okay...first off, I don't agree with this statement. However, it has become apparant to me that many Opeth fans are afraid of it. The evidence?

1. They're releasing a all-mellow album. Now, if you can get fans of metal with the heavy stuff, why not get fans of other more mellow genres with a mellow album?

2. This tour that Opeth are on with those punk/nu-metal/whatever bands. Wanting to become even more mainstream maybe?

3. Re-issue of Blackwater Park, with new tracks and video footage. Milking money out of the fans?

There's more points too, but I can't remember them right now. Well...point 1. This isn't selling out. In the words of Mikael himself, he writes music for himself, Opeth are his favorite band, and quite frankly, fuck everything else. Point 2. Well....this I'm kinda confused on. I'd say they're doing this just to get more people to hear their music. This isn't selling-out though. It's like..."this is what I've made, look at it. What do you think?" Point 3. Kinda surprised at this one...but it's far from selling out.

However, there begs a question...it's undeniable that Opeth are becoming more and more mainstream. Do you think they'll sell-out? I say definatly not.
They are becoming more popular due to the efforts of their record companies and such, but i see no evidence to say it has affected them or their music so far.
Now when heavy bands like Slipknot and Disturbed are at the top of the pops Opeth are releasing a mellow album, They are definately going against the grain with that one.
The fact that an album is acoustic doesn't automatically mean that is simple or commercialized. I have every faith that Opeth will create a very good album. And, honestly, I believe that this whole selling out subject becomes a bit tiring. After all it's the right of each band to decide their musical future. Mainstream is not always the same as bad and I think it's normal for a band to try to pass its music to a wider audience.
i dont think anyone really cares if they ''sell-out'' as you say, as long as they still sound good. ive never understood why people hate bands saying they sell out if they still sound the same/good. i mean my first ever post on the board, back in the day was asking opeth to do a mellow/clean album, i now they're gonna so...
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
They are becoming more popular due to the efforts of their record companies and such, but i see no evidence to say it has affected them or their music so far.

Dont be so faithfull yayo. Wait until the albums are actually released before you judge opeth.
We'lll see... We'll see... Opeth lost me with Blackwater park... so i don't care either way. If they release a crap album, then... *shrug* who gives a crap except the sheep here? Really? ... And if by chance it is great, then that's good, i'm glad...

I have a feeling that i wil love the acoustic cd... as that is what got me into opeth... the acoustic work.

Opetallica?? Odeth?? Opelayer?? Othrax?? Opantera?? Opermore?? Who cares... ?
I don't think Opeth are selling out, and I highly
doubt Opeth will ever become mainstream,
unless they change their style radically! What I
don't like is their record-company milking us for
money! :eek:/

But, about this new album, one heavy and one
soft. The soft one might get Opeth a bunch of
new fans, then they'll buy the heavy stuff, but
will they LIKE it?! When Opeth is at their
heaviest even I get "moved" or whatever to call
it... My beloved one is not into metal, but he
loves the acoustic songs by Opeth, but when
the heavy songs comes on he leaves the room!

So.... :eek:)
Why be so hell bent on "categorizing" Opeth, or any band/music for that matter?

What is the correlation between going "mainstream" (whatever that means) and personally liking the music? There is none.

If you are so worried about what the rest of the world thinks, then you are not thinking for yourself, and risk letting something really goods pass you by. Once you let this "labelling" get to you, then you forget about the band and their music.

I listen to music - I like it or not - the key word here being "I".
First of all releasing a mellow album isn't selling out (eg ULVER) because if this album is the "experimental" one then Opeth are going against their fans and making music that they enjoy playing.

The touring with nu-metal bands isn't bad either, In Flames toured with Slipknot and blew them off stage, Opeth will make us proud by showing shitty nu-metal bands and fans some REAL music.

The rerelease is the record company not the band *shrugs* not Opeth's problem.
Opeth is not selling out. I only fear that they might turn into Katatonia, which would suck because new Katatonia sucks. If this hapens I will be disappointed, but I would enjoy their prior work nevertheless.
New Katatonia is the best Katatonia, foo'!!

I would never worry about bands like Opeth selling out. Although, selling out in Europe is very different than it is across the pond here in the US of A. Bands with 10 minute songs don't usually sell out.
selling out to who? you're talking about a group of musicians that still keep their day jobs because they decided to create high art instead of formulistic corporate noise in order to feed the fat hypocritical belly of the industry. i know trapped might jump on me for saying this, but i don’t give a fuck, because it’s the truth about how i feel: yes, i believe Opeth are creating high art that is beyond any other band i’ve encountered in many respects (and i listen to and love hundreds of bands.) i can safely say that every song they’ve released to date is an absolute masterpiece, at least to my ears. will Opeth release something less that spectacular sometime down the road? no one can really say.

but to suggest a band is selling out because they’re making an effort to have their music heard by as many ears as possible, is absurd. if people won't come to the band becasue of obliviousness, then the band must come to them. period. oh, and how exactly is releasing an album of more mellow acoustic material selling out? they've made this kind of music since the bands existence. the ONLY way an artist can sell out, imo, is to become corporate bitches and make coca-fucking-cola commericals and such.

don't confuse maturity with selling out. it really irks me when a band releases their most mature work to date, and people jump on it because it's not the exact same thing the've played for the past ten years. tastes CHANGE, bands EVOLVE. if you can't handle that, then don't listen, and stop whining. this seems to happen with almost every band. for exapmple, Hypocrisy and Soilwork. all i hear now is how their new material is watered down, more melodic, less brutal, whatever. somehow they suck now because they don't sound like Abducted or Steelbath Suicide anymore. i don't care for the new hypocrisy that much, but guess what, i'd rather see them doing something different, and doing what they want, then make "Abducted 2" for a few closed minded fans. the same can be said for Soilwork. look, a band with four interesting, DIFFERENT albums. ohhh noooo the humanity of it all!!! i know i'm glad they didn't make Steelbath Suicide 2, 3 , and 4, because that would be boring as fuck. yes, Soilwork HAVE EVOLVED over the years. they are now concentrating on DIFFERENT elements within their music, which doesn't make it any simpler because of it. what I hear in the new Soilwork is more mature songwriting and a more diverse musical approach, all the while maintaining the musicianship that is their keystone. if you can't see that, then too bad. at least you have Chainheart Machine to sit and listen to in the corner on repeat all day. . .
the new Katatonia does not suck. here we go again. . . LFDGD is their most mature release to date. they understand things about music now that they didn't when the made BMD. they've imrpoved in EVERY department, and the next album will be even more spectacular. just becasue you don't get it, it doesn't mean it sucks, it just means you don't get it. i don't get dream theater, it doesn't mean they suck, it just means i don't get them, get it?
I like the views that you're posting,
metalmancpa, but what I think is the
issue here about "selling out" is
selling out with the music that the
band makes... The last thing we want,
is Opeth making music that sucks....
Originally posted by O'blivion
the new Katatonia does not suck. here we go again. . . LFDGD is their most mature release to date. they understand things about music now that they didn't when the made BMD. they've imrpoved in EVERY department, and the next album will be even more spectacular. just becasue you don't get it, it doesn't mean it sucks, it just means you don't get it. i don't get dream theater, it doesn't mean they suck, it just means i don't get them, get it?

I know what you mean about not "getting" stuff. A friend of mine doesn't like Neurosis, and he would rag on me for a long time, until I let him borrow the CD (my old band played live with them on the Times of Grace tour, and he hated it). He is a really open-minded type of guy, so its odd for him to act like this. Well, after listening to it so much, he finally said that he just didn't "get it", but he did think it was good music, just not good for him.
If touring with nu-metal bands means converting more people to the cause of Opeth (that being art, integrity, talent and above all things, emotion) then more power to 'em!

The people whose minds remain closed will walk off muttering about how they were expecting some Durstian whining and instead got the vicious growls and sweet melodies of Mikael (who could take Durst out in a second, IMO ;)

I don't think they'll ever sell out. BWP wasn't (but may yet become) my cup of tea, though I do enjoy listening to it (just less than the other albums). Anything new they put out will be insightful and thought-provoking. Even if there's some issue with the quality (which there won't be, heathens!), it's still upwards of TWO HOURS of new Opeth.

Who could turn that down? I'd sit through a week of nu-metal to see Opeth live (since I haven't yet). And while more money sometimes does mean that a band changes its priorities, I would like to see Opeth prosper. I'd like to think you all feel the same. :)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I like the views that you're posting,
metalmancpa, but what I think is the
issue here about "selling out" is
selling out with the music that the
band makes... The last thing we want,
is Opeth making music that sucks....

Which was kind of my point - I listen to music - I like it or not.

If Opeth's next album is something I don't care for - am I then to "assume" they've sold out because I don't like them?

Each band has their own story to tell.

Each time an new album comes out by any band, I find myself thinking why is the album this way? Is it a "direction" the band wanted to head in; is it because someone "else", like a friend, label, manager decided that a change was necessary to sell more? To me - once you label ANY band a "sell-out", you are basically saying they have lost something. Why must a band sound the same for their entire career? Why can't a band change their sound? Why must we seem to always assume that outside forces push a band into a direction?

There are countless reasons why a musical artist stays in the profession: could be to make music for themselves, and it's what they do best. It could be for the money. For most - it is their profession - it's what they do for a living. We have a 100% choice to buy and listen. We the fans ultimately decide the economic fate of a musician - either we support them or not, and they know that. If they make a misstep, they lose - unless of course, they are satisifed with their position in the musical world.

Music is a matter of taste - we all listen for different reasons, and get different enjoyment out of different styles of music.

This "mainstream" so many talk about, to me, is something different then entirely music. Bands like Slipknot - they are more than music to their fans - they are theater. Other bands use their lyrics to pinpoint a target audience - many "mainstream" bands play off a teenagers plight in the world - and make a connection that way.

Again - the list is endless. So - each of us will listen to a band for whatever reason, and we will individually like it or not. Sure - if you think the next Opeth album sucks - then of course you will be disappointed. But the reason for that dislike? - you didn't like it, period - no reason needed, no need to blame somebody for it.