OT - Exclusive interview with Anthrax forum member DarrellDethSDMF


Aug 22, 2003
1. How did you originally find the Anthrax board and what are your earliest memories of posting here?

I looked up Anthrax's website in 2002 in the library (It's good that 6er is banned:lol:) after school. I guess I just had nothing to say until 2004. I loved the wrestling thread, maybe I should bring that back. My favorite memory is the time I got a PM from Black Thirteen.

2. If you could be any member of Anthrax, past or present, who would you be, and why?

Got to be Scott. As a guitar player I'd love to play a show with Charlie and Frank. I don't really care who would play lead and who would sing. I would make us play Poison My Eyes live.

If I was Neil Turbin, I'd retire early.

3. What is the best concert you’ve ever been to? What made it so amazing?

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band at Helsinki Olympic Stadium in 2008. The show lasted three and a half hours and the band played so many rare songs, like Point Blank, along with their greatest hits. It was also the first time I've listened to a christmas song in mid July ("Only in Finland")! Word's cannot express how good they were, you should hear the bootleg! I'm telling you, if you don't think The E Street Band is the greatest live band ever, I will fight you. That's no lie.

4. When you’re not creating awesome board member interviews, what do you like to do?

Well I'm a professional bartender and also have two extra jobs at the moment, so that takes most of my time. I've been playing guitar for 16 years and I'm always writing and recording by myself. I left my band a year ago and am desperately trying to form a new one. I will not give up the dream!

I also have written and directed The Most Excellent Adventures of the Blacktooth King parts one and two, and next weekend I'm gonna finally complete the trilogy. I'll try to get them on youtube.

I should mention that around here I'm kinda famous for having "NO FAT CHICKS" tattooed on my stomach.

5. When did you hear Anthrax for the first time?

When I saw Last Action Hero in 1993. At the time I didn't know it was Anthrax, though. First Anthrax song I really listened to was I Am The Law, because of the Dredd connection, and my first Anthrax album was Sound Of White Noise.

6. What other styles of music do you enjoy besides metal?

Well my all time favorite band is Guns N' Roses (hard rock, not metal), but these days I mostly listen to Punk Rock, Rockabilly and Psychobilly. I've been a mad Bruce-worshipper ever since the concert I mentioned, and as a 90's kid I love the first two Garbage records and early Marilyn Manson.

7. If money was no object, what would your dream vacation be?

I have always said that if I'm someday moderately wealthy in Finland, I'll move to Estonia and I'll be fucking rich! But really, I would take a year to visit every cool place in the USA I've seen in movies and read in books. I've been to Florida before, but it was just a tourist trip.

8. If you could have a beer (or coffee, or whatever) with any board member, who would it be?

Beer with Mr.Wu or Black Thirteen. Sorry, I can't help being a fanboy!

9. If you could walk up and bitch-slap any celebrity, who would it be and why?

Axl Rose. I would make him get the old band back together before it's too late. After that I would slap Carmen Electra's ass all night long.


Jockthrax - Cool dude, he should post more often.

Buddy_Love_Bomb - He's bald and kinda intimidating.

Black Thirteen - We'll always have that PM :lol:

Trashard - The guy that's never not here.

Brentney Spears - I never had any problems with him. When the going got tough, Brent got rough.

scottishthrax - Doesn't know who Groundskeeper Willie is :lol: Excellent poster, though.

Mikey Bong - He was the Snitsky of this forum.

mrthrax - Good poster. Quigley Down Under was a good movie.

eighteeschick - SCHWINNNG!

BratPrincess - SCHWINNNG!

thraxx - All the cool kids had a Raiders hat when I was a kid.

sufferer - Made me post a Bad Religion live review, which eventually led to the idea of these interview.

emtfhII - I have no idea what that name means. Good poster when decides to say something.

ironmaidenfan09 - Yes, I have fucking heard the album POT!:lol:

JohnnieCzech - Respectable member, it's good to have him back.

whitey131 - He's not a white supremasist.

danaholica - Great name, great poster.

Deege - Great poster, always gives credit when it's due.

Matt Bello - I wonder if he's really related to Frankie...:OMG:

DumbAss - Fellow Devin-fan. Won't do an interview.

Antwax - Who wouldn't go see Anthrax live when they have the chance?! Other than that he's a good poster.

vomit - From my earliest days in the forum I remember that vomit was always angry.

6er - The only person ever I've fought over the internet

Jono - Hail Satan! Aswer the goddamn interview!

spacebeer - Loves Joeythrax but is always fair on Bush.

Beer - Would love to taste Duff!


Beer or Hard Liquor: Beer all the way! Preferably Stella Artois and Newcastle.

Funny or serious Anthrax: There's a time for both, but there can never be enough humor in the world.

Hole in the Wall Bar or Nightclub: I hate Nightclubs. I hate working there and and I hate drinking there. I also hate the happy-go-lucky assholes who have fun there.

Threesome or One on One: One on one...oh I can have two women? Still one on one.

Country or Rap: Depends on the artist. Old school country and rap are both cool.

David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar: I'll have to go with Sammy, especially on FUCK and Balance. The early albums are their best, but Roth just simply can't sing worth shit.

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview, and for all the interviews you’ve written! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans?

Take it easy fellas!
emtfhII - I have no idea what that name means.

It's from my fire medic days. I used to be an EMT on a volunteer fire department. One of the other EMTs that I worked with a lot was EMTFH for Emergency Med. Tech. From Hell. I became EMTFH the second.
I was literally having this conversation with a coworker today. I am the hungry fucking lion and those girls are the deer with the broken leg.
vomit - From my earliest days in the forum I remember that vomit was always angry.

Whoa dude. I may be drunk most of the time, but angry? Sorry if I come across that way.....maybe I do.....I always thought TD was angry when he wasn't hilarious.........

I'm trying not to get MAD right now...not working....AHHHHHH:puke:
"the guy that's never not there"

i've reduced my time online since august (when the Anthrax-board was my living room).

cool interview, Darrell, get Rob to quit Thrax and take his job to fulfill your dreams.
cool interview, Darrell, get Rob to quit Thrax and take his job to fulfill your dreams.

That's a good idea, but most of you wouldn't like me because I don't like to learn anybody's solos note for note.

The NO FAT CHICKS-tattoo is more of a tribute to Homer Simpson than a state of mind. Believe me, I've had my share of bigger girls.