Pagan's Mind - God's Equation...the hard sell


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
Here's the situation regarding the upcoming 2CD release of God's Equation. We have a generous quantity coming in house shortly. Preorders have been flowing in. We have been informed that the limited edition is now gone so we will not be able to restock it. Once the remaining available copies in our inventory are spoken for we will cut off preorders. Going forward anyone that orders multiple copies will be cut down to one - we want to spread the copies around as much as possible.

So if it's important for you to have the limited version and you are fence sitting I suggest shaking your tush as I expect the discs to be gone momentarily.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge
Zod, only if they suddenly got a new singer ;p

I'll probably listen to it, as this is really a band I -should- like since they write interesting songs, with good riffs and nonshreddy lead guitar goodness, but just can't get that into. It honestly might just be that I don't like Nils voice nor choice in vocal melodies...
Zod, only if they suddenly got a new singer ;p

I'll probably listen to it, as this is really a band I -should- like since they write interesting songs, with good riffs and nonshreddy lead guitar goodness, but just can't get that into. It honestly might just be that I don't like Nils voice nor choice in vocal melodies...
Yeah, it's hard to get into a band if the singer doesn't resonate with you.

Nils did a lot to move himself into the upper echelon (in my eyes) of vocalists with his PP performances. Aside from his own flawless set, nailing songs by Midnight, King Diamond and Geoff Tate is pretty impressive.

Dang it. I was hoping to hold off on a preorder and get it when it releases so I could make a purchase on a few other albums I need to add to my collection.
It honestly might just be that I don't like Nils voice nor choice in vocal melodies...

That's about where I'm at, except I do like Nils' voice. I just don't like his vocal melodies or "riffs". He sings very little that sticks in my mind and replays over and over. In contrast, the new Threshold is like peanut-butter on my brain. Both bands have excellent songwriting and musicianship, but the singing creates a huge gap between them for me.

Like Zod said,

... it's hard to get into a band if the singer doesn't resonate with you.
To each thier own of course, I think he's one of the best singers in the world! His voice is even more powerful than Geoff Tate's! Not saying that Tate sucks, I think Tate is a phenomenal singer! I've seen the Ryche like 6 times live over the years, & have always been a biog fan. Anyway, I LOVE PM's music. I was so pissed when I realized I couldn't go-(to PP8)-this year!

I think songs like "Through Osiris's Eyes", & "AEgean Shores" really stick in your head. But, maybe it's just me. :p Well, as far as this string seems to feel anyway.

I unfortunately cannot afford ANY CD's right now! So, I'll buy it when I can, & will have to DL the 2nd disc, unless they re-release! :eek: DAMN IT!!
Stolen from Shokrok =p

Metal Express Radio will stream PAGAN'S MIND's entire new album, "God's Equation", today (Thursday, November 1) as part of the "Daily Album Premiere" show. Each track will be presented by Nils K. Rue, the band's singer.

Listen to the "Daily Album Premiere" at 10am EST and 4pm EST at
That's about where I'm at, except I do like Nils' voice. I just don't like his vocal melodies or "riffs". He sings very little that sticks in my mind and replays over and over. In contrast, the new Threshold is like peanut-butter on my brain. Both bands have excellent songwriting and musicianship, but the singing creates a huge gap between them for me.

Like Zod said,

... it's hard to get into a band if the singer doesn't resonate with you.

Agreed. Tough for me to get into them too, hooks don't grab me. Same with Eidolon that Nils is on, don't know why. But **MAN** he TORE IT UP at PP. I was totally shocked at the QR and CG covers. Unbelievable.
We have sold out all of our preorders for the 2 CD version of Pagan's Mind "God's Equation".

Thank you and good night.
Stolen from Shokrok =p

Metal Express Radio will stream PAGAN'S MIND's entire new album, "God's Equation", today (Thursday, November 1) as part of the "Daily Album Premiere" show. Each track will be presented by Nils K. Rue, the band's singer.

Listen to the "Daily Album Premiere" at 10am EST and 4pm EST at
"Stolen from Shokrok =p" :lol:

They must have gotten the times wrong because it should be on now, but isn't. Songs from a thrash band called "Siren" are being played back-to-back. Hmm... wait wait, says two things: 10am & 4pm.. .and also noon and midnight..? o_O :err: Well, I guess I'll just have to listen all day then! :lol:
I got my order in luckily. It's well worth the purchase ... I've had the mp3's for a while, and I think the new tunes are excellent. I like that they have changed things up, and are doing something a bit different this time out. They've actually become heavier.
