
If you cannot stand Fates or Yes, then you won't like this. These guys wear their influences on their sleeve, and don't try and hide it. A whole lotta Fates, some Crimson Glory and Yes, a little DT, and some Alan Parsons Project - and you have Pantommind.
One of the top albums of 2005, IMHO.
Excellent CD one of the best of 2005 in my opinion. And yes you see the Fates, and Yes and Alan Parsons influence. They are really good. Buy it as soon as possible.
Yeah, their album is great indeed. In some ways they have a uniquie own sound and in other ways they remind of DT, Fates warning, Yes and so on...

Buy it:)
Excellent disc. One of the best melodic prog releases of the year. Kinda like 90's Fates Warning meets Psychotic Waltz meets Vanden Plas. The singer reminds me of Roy Khan with his godly vocal range. The production is stellar and the keyboard work is magnificent.

NP: Vesania - God the Lux
I'm interested in this band as well. I checked out the song samples and it sounds pretty good. In that song, The Final Line, the singer sounds alot like the old-school Canadian band Wrabit. That's a plus in my book as I loved Wrabit!

I've added this to my wish list.

NP: Circus Maximus - The 1st Chapter
The band is currently in the studio recording their new album titled Lunasense, from what Drago of Pantommind has told me. I heard a small sound sample and it's amazing.

Shade of Fate is one of those albums that keeps getting better with each spin. Even months after its release.
Egad I've been too busy to visit, get here and see this thread. :) I'm a solid, die-hard fan of this band. Batmura is correct that they are working on the new album as of now. I'm proud to say I'm a bit involved in this project. Will be singing lead vocals on one track and working on some other apsects of it. Every sample Drago has sent over has aboslutely blown me away! Album Title is "Lunasense" and the track listing is on their website:
It's seriously going to kick arse. :headbang: