Pharaoh new album - "Be Gone"


Apr 19, 2005
I think that most of you know this band and probably you have listened to their albums. Their third is on the way, probably will be ready at early 2008. This is the studio report I found at their label site (

US METAL band PHARAOH is once again in the studio, for the recordings of their third album “Be Gone”, which is going to be released shortly before their first European appearance (and first show ever!!!) at the Germany’s KEEP IT TRUE FESTIVAL taking place on April the 5th, 2008 at the Tauberfrankenhalle in Lauda-Königshofen.

What follows is a brief studio-report with some anticipations on what to expect from “Be Gone”…

- Hello guys, what can you tell us of the state of the recordings of "Be Gone"?

Matt Johnsen (guitar): The drums, rhythm guitars, and bass are all recorded, and Tim is about halfway through the vocals. Most of the melody guitars are done and at least half the leads are recorded, but there are still a few noodly bits to record. When Tim is done, [producer/engineer] Matt Crooks and I need to find amp tones and re-amp all of the guitars. This is a highly technical procedure which involves drinking a lot of beers while we play the songs back over and over.

Chris Black (drums): Recording drums was a similar process, though far less technical.

Tim Aymar (vocals): We're going to be finishing my tracks next week, and we'll be going back to the first couple tracks we did and adding a few artistic touches. These have been the most productive Pharaoh sessions to date, and the results are also the best ever. I've had a much easier time with these tunes, and even found it strange at times that there were not any major obstacles or technical problems. Oddly enough, no beers were involved in the vocal recordings. Coffee, lots of water, Matt's special throat tea, and black licorice were my choice of weapons. After a couple sessions, we did have a few beers though. This record has been the most productive yet for me with Pharaoh.

- Musically speaking, what have we to expect from “Be Gone”? People ask for a new "By the Night Sky", will we find another epic suite like that one on the new album?

MJ: You can expect more action from shorter songs! In general, the arrangements and riffs themselves are more complex, but we went out of our way to craft songs that don't waste any time.

TA: There's a lot more singing going on with this one, more musical substance without superfluous repetition. One song, which at first seems like it might qualify as epic is "Cover Your Eyes and Pray", which lands at only about four and a half minutes.

CB: I agree. Our arrangements are very economical this time around, and the songs are therefore generally more sophisticated and articulate. All of our trademark strengths are still present. You could say that they’re all the more emphasized by the way we approached the songwriting. The album as a whole is very dense and quite challenging, but I’m not sure what particular song might qualify as epic.

MJ: Only one song, "Buried at Sea" could qualify as epic, but it's very much a different sort of song from "By the Night Sky," even if it was mostly written by Chris Kerns. If nothing else, it's one of the most dynamic songs on the new album. I think it will turn a few heads.

Chris Kerns (bass): It’s often a challenge to shorten song lengths, and limit repetitions of parts that you’re really happy with, but if done efficiently then the end result is a better listening experience. I guess it’s a matter of trying hard to think objectively with the material, as much as possible.

- Once again French artist JP Fournier will be working on the cover and on the artwork of the album and Matt Crooks is again behind the recording and mixing console. Can we say that both JP and Matt are part of the PHARAOH mystique already?

CK: That’s definite, I’d say we already have a signature look in terms of our artwork, thanks to JP. And, without Matt Crooks, it’s very difficult to imagine what Pharaoh would be sounding like today.

CB: You can be sure. I see Pharaoh as inclusive of the talents of these folks. I have to also mention our label, Cruz del Sur, which has always been a vital organ in the band’s anatomy. We’d probably never have even made our first album without the encouragement and unwavering belief that Cruz del Sur has given.

- You are preparing for your first show ever, at the German KEEP IT TRUE festival in April 2008, what are your feelings about it?

MJ: With any luck we won't embarrass ourselves! It's going to be a special experience, to be sure. None of us can wait to take Pharaoh to the stage, and if all goes well, KIT will not be the last time Pharaoh makes noise in public.

CB: We’ve set aside 2008 as a year when we’ll focus only on live shows. No new songwriting until 2009, and no new album until 2010. As for Keep It True, we’re sorting out the setlist at the moment, so fans should get in touch with their requests. Now is the time!

TA: It will be a first for all of us to perform together, and also to play outside of the U.S., so I look forward to it enthusiastically. Performing has always been my strongest suit, and I enjoy it more than anything. I know that Germany loves metal, so I anticipate a very exiting show. I hope it will turn out to be a rewarding and memorable experience and not just a flash in the pan event. Everyone involved will be putting forth a great deal of effort to bring Pharaoh together on stage for the sake of the fans. It means a lot of planning, sacrifice and a leap of faith from the band. I hope the fans will appreciate all of this, because it's for them, not us. This is what they want.

Orphanos you rule my man, thanks for the news. 2008 will start with flying colors :worship:Smokin:
"The Longest Night" was a big surprise for me and without doubt is one of the best heavy metal albums of the past few years.

The first news for the new one are promising. Indeed 2008 starts very well. :D
"The Longest Night" was a big surprise for me and without doubt is one of the best heavy metal albums of the past few years.

The first news for the new one are promising. Indeed 2008 starts very well. :D

TLN was among my top 5 of last year, 'Fighting' is one of the best songs of the year too. Pharaoh and its sister band Superchrist (where the drummer play bass and sings) are redefining American metal for me.

See Paharaoh should be openeing for Iron Maiden on this tour!

NP: Helloween - 'Final Fortune'
"Fighting" is good, but "By The Night Sky" is much better. The perfect word for this song is "marvellous". But there is no meaning on this discussion, as the whole album rocks. Let's hope the new one will match the quality of "The Longest Night".
This is good news indeed! I really enjoyed The Longest Night, and it almost made gold pedestal status in my Hallowed Halls. They just needed a little more refining in songwriting and structure (and this interview implies they were aware of the few shortcomings they had), and they could be an A-list band.

I can't wait! :hotjump:
I'm looking forward to this.

I haven't heard their latest disc, but I liked their 2003 effort - production was really bad, so I hope they're a major improvement in that arena. Songwriting and musicianship, however, is top notch!
Update my friends. :kickass:

PHARAOH: New Album Complete; Guest Guitarists Revealed - Jan. 3, 2008

American heavy metal band PHARAOH has completed the mixing of its third album, entitled "Be Gone". Like its critically-acclaimed predecessor, "The Longest Night", the new album was recorded with Matt Crooks at MCR Studios in Manassas, Virginia. "Be Gone" will now be mastered by Colin Davis of Imperial Mastering for a worldwide March release via the leading traditional heavy metal label Cruz del Sur Music.

"Be Gone" track listing:

01. Speak to Me
02. Dark New Life
03. No Remains
04. Red Honor
05. Buried at Sea
06. Rats and Rope
07. Cover Your Eyes and Pray
08. Telepath
09. Be Gone

As a special treat for fans (and, it must be said, for the band themselves) the track "Dark New Life" features guest guitar solos from Mark Reale and Mike Flyntz from RIOT. Jim Dofka also appears for the third time on as many PHARAOH albums, contributing his extraordinary guitar chops to the song "No Remains".

A release date, song samples, and cover art for "Be Gone" will be revealed in the coming weeks.

PHARAOH will celebrate the new album and its ten-year history by performing live for the first time ever (!!) at Keep It True X on April 5, 2008, at Tauberfrankenhalle, Lauda-Königshofen, Germany. The festival is completely sold out as of September.
As a special treat for fans (and, it must be said, for the band themselves) the track "Dark New Life" features guest guitar solos from Mark Reale and Mike Flyntz from RIOT. Jim Dofka also appears for the third time on as many PHARAOH albums, contributing his extraordinary guitar chops to the song "No Remains".

Chris Black's a great guy. Pharaoh rules, I'll probably pick it up from him next time I'm at a superchrist show or something.
The artwork of the new album:

Going for it, thanks for the hint

P.S. Playing it now, what a kick ass song!
Yeah, it is very good indeed.

I feel it is a good thing that the majority of the new songs will be shorter and catchier like this, let's what the whole album will be.