POLL: ALL STAR JAM: Would you want another one?

Would you like to see an All Star Jam at a Future PP?

  • YES!! It was something special.

    Votes: 31 63.3%
  • Maybe . . . I wouldn't care one way or the other.

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • NO! I thought it was too long/stupid/pointless/inane/stripper-esque, etc.

    Votes: 7 14.3%

  • Total voters


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
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This may be presumptious of me, but would you want to see another All Star Jam at a future ProgPower?

I know it was a ton of work and coordination, but I was floored by it. As I suspected, it epitomized the true spirit of ProgPower. To me, it was a special performance that you can't get anywhere else. I have no idea if Glenn meant for this to be a one time only event, but I for one would love to see it happen every year (along with the annoucments).

Let's see how everyone else feels about it.

Steve in Philly
I voted no but I don't agree with how it was stated on the poll;

I enjoyed it, but after seeing AF a little sad they had to stop after the great reaction got I would've rather seen them play until they couldn't no more.
I voted YES. But, maybe not for every year. And who knows, Glenn may have a few other ideas up his sleeve along the lines of "special" treats for us all.

Though I wouldn't complain if it were every year. It was that good.
I voted no but I don't agree with how it was stated on the poll;

I enjoyed it, but after seeing AF a little sad they had to stop after the great reaction got I would've rather seen them play until they couldn't no more.

You're entitled to your opinion, but no band was cut short due to the ASJ. Glenn said repeatedly that it was extra music. After Forever (I suspect) played exactly the length of time that they would have without the ASJ. Just because a band is playing last doesn't mean that they plan to play for 3 hours.

Steve in Philly
I voted no but I don't agree with how it was stated on the poll;

I enjoyed it, but after seeing AF a little sad they had to stop after the great reaction got I would've rather seen them play until they couldn't no more.

Yeah, that was the only let down of the night. The fact that our "Play all night" chants up front would not be heard because they had to move onto the All Star Jam. They seem like a band who would have kept playing if given the opportunity unlike a certain other one...
Still, I'd love to see another All star jam. And as I said in another thread, pay for Arjen and do a similar all star jam but of Ayreon/Star One songs to get the much requested Ayreon headliner. It won't be the same as having the vocalists from his projects but it seems the only possible way of ever affording it until one of us wins the lotto. With Joost, Floor, & Damien there, it was a shame there was no Star One cover during the jam.
I voted yes. However, I wouldn't want it every year. If we had it every year, I think it would cease to be special. I do like the idea of having *something* special every year, though. It doesn't even necessarily have to fall at the end of the fest.

I personally thought After Forever's set was a little too long. Their name is After Forever because that's how long their set lasts LOL.

I would love to see another all star jam, but I would like a better selection of songs.
You're entitled to your opinion, but no band was cut short due to the ASJ. Glenn said repeatedly that it was extra music. After Forever (I suspect) played exactly the length of time that they would have without the ASJ. Just because a band is playing last doesn't mean that they plan to play for 3 hours.

Steve in Philly

AF was only given 1.5hrs so the Jam could be in, while Sonata and any other headliner is from this time -> whenever. That's why AF stopped playing.

Personally after the fest I wish Pagan Headlined day and sonata was a 4 spot with same set length. I like headliner that play for as long as they can, freak kitchen on showcase night for example.
I voted 'maybe', heavily leaning toward YES. While I enjoyed the ASJ, it went a little long in my opinion. I think 1.5 hours is plenty of time to do many of the songs we would like to hear on an all-star karaoke style evening.

And yeah, if it becomes commonplace, then some folks may lose interest over time. I could see having other special events happening instead of the ASJ every year. Extras like the clinics come to mind. And even though I didn't attend one (I'm not a musician), it's those gems that sets this fest apart from the ordinary.

Kudos to Glenn and company for making it all happen!
I voted maybe, it really all depends.

That being said I enjoyed the All Star Jam and it was definately a once in a lifetime experience. I think it was more then just the covers, that made it cool, it was the experience in itself and everyone coming together in that way to pull it off.
I love the jam, but have serious concern....

Where are we going to fit it all?!?!? I was damn tuckered out this year after ALL the festivities, and I cant see how adding two bands to this already awesome fest, AND a jam.... is going to be possible. Is Glenn going to add hours to the day?
I voted yes, but I'm with the group that thinks it would loose a little something if it happened every year. It would definitely be cool to see it again in the future, but for now let's just leave it as something special for PPVIII. :)