Portnoy v DT

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Can't see a relevant thread but this board obviously needs to discuss this important development at great length! hehe!

I guess Portnoy's after his share of the pie. He probably wants 30-40% of any future royalties seeing as he was the band's main man. Since DT really means diddly squat to me, (although the new album is brilliant) I am not that fussed what happens, I have no loyalties to either side. However every good internet asshole has an opinion and mine is that Mike is probably being one as well. Discuss.
erm...I don't know. But it seems that Mp has filed a lawsuit against DT claiming rights to the band name. He filed it in April apparently but it's only just come out now. One thing I don't understand is if he filed it that long ago how were DT able to record and release their new album with the name DT if he filed the suit? Unless they got an injunction against the suit claiming whatever until a later date. It's very messy. I was reading on the MP forum that his own webmaster or forum mod has quit cause of this.

Even if there was a lawsuit, I could understand the reason for it. In fact, I found it pretty shocking that MP put all that work into the band in terms of the business side of things, starting his own mail order bootleg label and booking agency for the band and just letting the other guys take that after he left. So I get it either way.

Of course just because I get it doesn't mean I want to hear about it...
I find it amusing that Blabbermouth.net, a ROADRUUNER website, has to leak a story in September of a lawsuit filed in April right before the new album of Dream Theater, a band they now represent, comes out. Call it free publicity. The law suit if you read the pdf, it just standard lawyer ease, nothing more. All sides will come to a settlement in the near future and this lawsuit should have never come to public scrutiny like it has.

Portnoy and DT fanboys need to step back and read this short basic lawsuit and take it for what it is.


You see, GOOGLE can find anything ANGRARULES.

Professional asshole OUT!
You see, GOOGLE can find anything ANGRARULES.

Professional asshole OUT!

Really? I didn't know about this Google thing... Whatever happened to explaining things to others without being a fucking dick?

I could tell you to fuck off now, but it's just not worth it.