Poverty's No Crime Want To Play!!!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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I don't know what the opinion is around here of this band, but I think they con sistently put out great albums and would be a nice addition to Prog Power. In a recent conversation with one of the members of the band, he informed me that they just signed a deal with Inside Out and will be releasing their new album here in the U.S. in September. Here was their response to my inquiry about a new album and possible PP appearance.

"Hi Pat.

Thanks a lot!

A new record is already recorded and done. The title is "Save My Soul". Most likely it will be released in the US on September the 25th via InsideOut Records. Actually you are the first one to know as we have agreed on it with the label just yesterday morning. ;)

We would love to come over and play the ProgPower USA sometime. However, we've never been asked to play and it is not just up to us to decide that I guess.

Have a great weekend!
Heiko / PNC"
Their last disc was released in 2003. That has really hurt them in terms of consideration as I tend to book around new releases/buzz. They have had neither in the last three years.

I look forward to hearing the new disc and seeing what the reaction is.
They would be a great addition, but as Harv said they haven't had any buzz in years. Hopefully the new one will be a winner, and the buzz will begin again. I like a couple of their earlier discs quite well.

Slave to the Mind is nothing but classic prog metal. The Chemical Chaos from the opening keyboard notes until the end is more of the same. PNC is a great band that just doesn't get the hype that others get, but their artistic value can't be questioned. This is a could've, should've, would've for PP that hasn't happened. Maybe the new material will be a wake up call.
Their last disc was released in 2003. That has really hurt them in terms of consideration as I tend to book around new releases/buzz. They have had neither in the last three years.

I look forward to hearing the new disc and seeing what the reaction is.

I definitely understand your point of view. I am curious to know however if you are a fan Glenn? I am really looking forward to the new disc and hope it results in a PP slot in 2008!!!
This is a band that I've always wanted to check out due to the Dream Theater factor, but just always put on the backburner. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if the band was still together. I'll have to look into them.

We've just confirmed release for the U.S. is September 25th. This is now up for preorder. Preorders start shipping for this specific title 6 days in advance to get them on your doorstep on release.

The release is very smooth and the songs are excellent.

They were always one of those bands that put out good discs, but never a *great* one. Let's see what happens this time.
I don't know if I'd call this new one a "great" disc yet, but it is a pretty damn good, and it's got the potential to eventually reach greatness with me I think. They'd be a real good mid card addition at some point. I can't imagine they would be a huge draw, but they would help add some prog element to the card.

I've had them on my "willing to sponsor" wishlist for years...but knowing that their buzz is gone, I haven't been holding my breath.

Much like Glenn indicated, I figured once a new album got released and they started regenerating some interest, they might be a candidate for the future.

Personally, I'm hoping to be a proud sponsor for those boys at some point in time...can't wait for the new album!

Rock on!