Power Quest

Sounds pretty good. They have some great melodies and follow the old tried-and-true formula, without letting the songs get as bloated as Rhapsody's newer stuff.
Support the British Prog/Power scene...

Power Quest
Bal Sagoth
Shadow Keep

Any others....can't believe I'm going to miss Bloodstock UK...:cry:
Originally posted by Se7enChurches

Balance of Power

(oh, and Iron Maiden qualifies, i guess)


Iron Maiden just don't need any more support :lol: They seem to be conquering the world all over again. (Well deserved too).

To be honest, I was actually disappointed that they toured with Halford and Queensryche on the Brave New Tour. They would have sold just as many tickets without that kind of support - especially since Bruce and Adrian had returned.

In hindsight, I wish they had brought a "Power Quest" or "Threshold" along for the exposure instead.

P.S. I have nothing against Halford or Queensryche. :D
Originally posted by JayKeeley

Iron Maiden just don't need any more support :lol: They seem to be conquering the world all over again. (Well deserved too).

oh, i know. I was joking.

To be honest, I was actually disappointed that they toured with Halford and Queensryche on the Brave New Tour. They would have sold just as many tickets without that kind of support - especially since Bruce and Adrian had returned.

In hindsight, I wish they had brought a "Power Quest" or "Threshold" along for the exposure instead.

that wasn't my problem with that tour, though I would have loved to see Halford; my problem was that when they toured the U.S. they essentially (as i recall) travelled in a diagonal line from New York to California (or some close by locations) and missed the southeast and all surrounding areas entirely, while I was stuck here in Atlanta...

thank goodness not all major metal shows overlook Atlanta...

thank goodness not all major metal shows overlook Atlanta...

Fortunately so... Still, I'd be happier if more shows did stop in Atlanta. Luckily for us, PPUSA is here and hopefully won't be moving anytime soon. :) :)

Also, I heard that Balance of Power's warm-up gig last night in Derby went really well. Hopefully they'll make a lot of new fans at Bloodstock today.
