PPUSA XV rankings


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
How would you rank the bands from this year's PPUSA? Start with the ones you liked the most. This is my list.

1: Jon Oliva's Pain
2: Overkill
3: Stratovarius
4: Orden Ogan
5: Need
6: Pain of Salvation
7: Voodoo Circle
8: Masterplan
9: Leprous
10: Divided Multitude
11: Seventh Wonder
12: Withem

Please include Wednesday and/or Thursday shows if you saw them. I only saw the Friday and Saturday shows so that's why they weren't included in my list. After plenty of time has passed, I'll do my best to tally up all the responses and post the average rankings. A poll would have been easier, but then it would have been "vote for the best" rather than "order your preferences".
How would you rank the bands from this year's PPUSA? Start with the ones you liked the most. This is my list.

1: Jon Oliva's Pain
2: Overkill
3: Stratovarius
4: Orden Ogan
5: Need
6: Pain of Salvation
7: Voodoo Circle
8: Masterplan
9: Leprous
10: Divided Multitude
11: Seventh Wonder
12: Withem

Jop, overkill, masterplan, strato, orden, voodoo(saw only 3 songs), need.

The rest were equal to me
Not a real ranking, but my thoughts about the festival.

Musically, Masterplan, Voodoo Circle, Pagan's Mind and Jon Oliva's Pain were the highlights for me.
About Masterplan, I thought Rick Altzi did a killer job and he made the older songs his own. He was maybe a bit shaky/rough on the first song (Enlighten Me) but flawless after. His voice is rougher than Jorn's but really powerful IMO. And he's a much better frontman than Mr. Lande IMO (that comes from a huge Jorn fan).

I'd have preferred if the guitars have been louder in the Voodoo Circle mix (the keyboard/organ often overshadowed the guitar) but the set was excellent and David Readman was awesome.

I was not the biggest fan of Pagan's Mind but started to enjoy them quite a bit after playing their stuff quite often the month before PP. They were excellent and they played my fave track (Enigmatic Mission) so I was happy.

First time I was seeing Jon Oliva since Savatage and Megadeth opened for Dio in 1987. I knew that obviously it wpuild be a very different show for PP. I enjoyed Jon's goofing and thought he was flawless vocally. And for a fat man like him (also with broken ribs), he moved quite a bit around the stage. His band was excellent.

Really enjoyed DGM as well.
Seventh Wonder are proggier than my usual taste, but I enjoyed their set quite a bit.
Withem and Divided Multitude were good.
As were also Overkill, even though they didn't play the older songs I was expecting like United We Stand and Hammerhead (unless they did it early in the set, which I missed because it was pouring outside and I had to wait for the thunderstorm to stop....)
I thought Orden Ogan were OK. Still don't understand the tire piece on the shoulder on the singer though... :)
I was surprised by Stratovarius. I'm no big fan of them and Kotipelto, but he was spot on and the band was tight.
As expected from me, no love for the Leprous and Pain Of Salvation sets (only checked out 3 or 4 songs from each, I'm no fan at all...) And even less love for the PoS bullshit on Saturday...
Didn't check out Need at all, maybe I should have as the comments have been excellent.

Well, you miss a classy set from POS, which made Daniel's rockstar attitude be forgotten. For me:

2. Stratovarius
3. POS
4. Voodoo Circle
5. Overkill
6. Masterplan
7. SW
8. Need
9. Withem
10. Orden Ogan
11. Leprous (cant believe I missed the last Overkill song to go and get them to aign stuff when I already did last time they were here)
12. Divided Multitude
I can't in good conscience rank many of these bands as higher or lower than many of the other bands so I did a slightly different type of spread.

1. DGM
1. Pagan's Mind
1. Masterplan
1. Seventh Wonder (HAS to include saturday morning's VIP show otherwise they get bumped lower)
2. Pain of Salvation
2. Stratovarius
3. Leprous
3. JOP
3. Orden Ogan
3. Divided Multitude
3. Need
4. Voodoo Circle (GREAT show, perhaps one of the best, but I'm just not that into the music)
4. Withem (same comment as Voodoo Circle)
14. Overkill (meh)
I caught almost every single minute of everybody's set, with the exception of part of Masterplan's set when I was in the slowest moving line ever for the Seventh Wonder signing session. Even those sets near the bottom of the list I really enjoyed, so, for example, it makes me sad to have to put Withem at 12 because I thought they were great. Really a strong bunch of performances this year.

1. Pagan's Mind
2. DGM
3. Overkill
4. Orden Ogan
5. JOP
6. Need
7. Stratovarius
8. Masterplan
9. Voodoo Circle
10. Leprous
11. Draekon
12. Withem
13. Seventh Wonder
14. Pain of Salvation (Sat)
15. Divided Multitude
16. Theocracy
17. Vangough
18. Pain of Salvation (Wed)
I almost hate ranking them as I highly enjoyed every set that I was able to make. JOP was an easy #1 pick, after that, very slim margins from #2 to #14.

2. Need
3. SW (Sat morning set!!!)
4. Vangough (Wed night set)
5. POS (Wed night set)
6. SW (Friday's set)
7. POS (Sat night set)
8. Pagan's Mind (Thurs night)
9. Masterplan
10. DGM
11. Leprous
12. Orden Ogan
13. Overkill
14. Stratovarius

n/a, missed sets: Divided Multitude (break), Withem (break), & Voodoo Circle (Seventh Wonder autograph line)
#1's: JOP, Stratovarius, Overkill
#2's: Divided Multitude, Need, Orden Ogan
#3's: Vangough, Pain of Salvation (Wed), Masterplan
#4's: Draekon, Theocracy
#5's (didn't watch, or didn't give enough of a chance): DGM, Pagan's Mind, Leprous
#6's (didn't enjoy): Withem, Voodoo Circle, PoS (Sat)
Pain Of Salvation were amazing.

I will say this (and get hated for it) but regardless of the false start it was an interesting contrast between hearing Remedy Lane played in it's entirety and hearing Streets. I love the Streets album more than Remedy Lane, but JoP's rendition of the album made it not feel like the great Rock Opera it is. Jon Oliva was definitely having fun and the material still holds up through the years, but I was hoping for something a bit more serious considering the original album's subject matter. Maybe that is just my having high expectations for an album I have been listening to for over 20 years. Who knows, but I much preferred Remedy Lane set that night.
I just hope Need is invited back in the near future.

+1 :headbang::headbang::headbang:

My top 5…

Pagan’s Mind*
Seventh Wonder (Saturday Set)

Also loved the sets from DGM, Theocracy, Voodoo Circle, and

Honorable mention to Overkill and Orden Ogan - not really my cup of tea musically, but enjoyed the hell out of the performances. And the cover of Perfect Strangers from Divided Multitude was awesome*.

*Bonus points for the Michael Eriksen appearance. :worship:
My Top 10 rankings:

1. Jon Oliva's Pain doing Savatage's Streets (Best. Set. Ever.)
2. Stratovarius
3. Need
4. DGM
5. Pagan's Mind
6. SW (Saturday's Set)
7. Masterplan
8. Orden Ogan
9. Voodoo Circle
10. Theocracy
Hard to rank since all the bands were really good. Some were great though.

1. Pagan's Mind
2. Pain Of Salvation (Saturday)
3. DGM
4. Masterplan
5. Stratovarius
6. Leprous
7. Pain Of Salvation (Wednesday)
8. Seventh Wonder (Saturday)
9. Overkill
10. Orden Ogan
11. Seventh Wonder (Friday)
12. Need
13. Voodoo Circle
14. Withem
15. Divided Multitude
15. JOP
16. Vangough
17. Theocracy
18. Draekon
Didn't go Wednesday, not a fan of PoS.

1.ORDEN OGAN - These guys were AMAZING! Great from start to finish!
2. Masterplan- I have been wanting to see Roland Grapow live for longer than I can remember and the whole band was Awesome!
3.Pagans Mind- Soo glad the played an entire second set after playing Celestial Entrance! NOT a fan of the playing an album in its entirety thing.
4. J.O.P- Loved this set. Love watching this living legend bring the house down! Probably wouldve been #1 without the "album entirety" thing
5. DGM- These guys were even better than the first time they played, and I didn't think that was possible. Simply fantastic
6. VooDoo Circle- wonderful performance despite Alex's guitar being barely audible most of the set
7. Stratovarius- I'm a HUGE Strato fan, so it kills me to put them this low on my list, of all their cd's Visions is NOT one of their best from start to finish, Even though it has 2 of my all time favorite songs by them on it, it's just a too slow in the mid to late parts of the disc. I think Nemesis is AMAZING and I was glad to hear a few songs off of it.
8. Seventh Wonder- I really like Mercy Falls, but if I want to hear a whole disc, I can slide it in the cd player, Would have LOVED for them to play the newer material
9. Divided Multitude--These 3 I felt were all Solid performances Liked them all
12 Draekon
13 Overkill- Love the music, not a fan of the high pitched screaming vocals, but mostly the constant lights flashing in my face was almost unbearable
14 Pain of Salvation-14. Leprous- I have tried and tried to get in to these bands, but they just aren't for me.