Prog Metal turn offs!?


Aug 30, 2013
I am referring to one band in particular but this thread does apply to other bands in the fact that some band names do not do the music justice and can sometimes flat out be the reason great releases get passed over. The band Cullooden just released and absolute gem called "Silent Scream" which I cannot stop playing. The music is extremely well crafted with just the right amount of prog but also has a nice crunch factor with major focus on strong melodies topped with a killer production. But the name of the band IMO is not appealing at all and will most likely result in them not being given the props they truly deserve. This album is an absolute stunner from start to finish. Has anyone ever not given a band a chance because of their name only to later discover their music was completely different than expected?
Lord Of Mushrooms is a group that maybe suffers from their name. I thought their last album, "Perspectives" was awesome, but they don't seem to get a lot of notice. Another awkward named group is Poverty's No Crime. A snappy group name can be your ticket to get people to notice.