Quotes from Progpower XIV


Jan 22, 2004
Sorry if this is a little early...but I heard one I couldn't wait to post.

"I can get you all the Five Guys you need!" - Some random guy in the Artmore courtyard
So the background for this quote is that there were 5 of us at Steak N Shake and it was extremely early in the morning, around 4:30am or so - we were all talking about what time we were going to get up today.

Andy Laudano - I guess going to Wolverine ['s acoustic set] is out.

Me - Why, what time is that again?

Andy - 12:00pm

Me - Screw that, I'm not getting up that early.

Andy - Me neither - why should I get up at noon to go right back to sleep?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Are you crying?? There's no crying at a metal show! If you start crying I'm throwing you out!!"

- Stage right security guard to an overly emotional Rhapsody fan.
In the vendor's room in a big group of people:

Woman: What do you want to do while you're here?
Band Member with VERY thick accent and obviously understanding very little english: "Um..maybe just good food? Ladies?"
Woman: Ladies? Hahaha...we should take you to the pink pony.
Band Member: Yes, horses, great! That is cool too.

Hahaha...the entire group gave a big belly laugh.
Uh, oh. I left the rest of my gummies in the fridge at the Artmore. Wonder if the staff will try them. What could go wrong?
"Sure, I'll have another two or three of Su's drunken gummi bears...what could go wrong?"

(And, by the way, they were really tasty)

Jhallum ya beat me to that one! For the record a 2nd baggie of those made it safely home. I'm saving them for Friday nite. what could go wrong right? ;)

Uh, oh. I left the rest of my gummies in the fridge at the Artmore. Wonder if the staff will try them. What could go wrong?

nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong with those gummis :)
::cheers:: :kickass::kickass::kickass:o_O
In the Artmore courtyard early Saturday morning...

Bamafan - Dude, my ProgPower flu has turned into ProgPower plague.

Blulou - Man, sounds like the Black Metal Death to me. Now harden the fuck up!
Me: "Is that a pink Hummer?"
Amber: "I think it's orange."
Me: "IT IS! It's a pink Hummer!!!"
Amber: "We have to take a picture of this!"
A few moments later...
Amber: "Hurry up and pose so I can take this picture before we get shot!"

Dude to Urban: "Oh, I'll set you up on Facebook! I can help you get started and everything!"
Urban: *face falls, looks as if someone just kicked his puppy*
Seriously, Urban's face was hilarious. Mere words cannot capture the abject desolation of his expression at the thought of having to use Facebook.