

Metallic Fiend
Picked this one up finally after searching for a long time.

Not bad--actually quite good at times. Turpitude has plenty of groove--lots of interesting interplay between guitar & drums. The vocals are definitely blue-collar, but it works in a drunken German kind of way.

Anyway, this isn't supposed to be a review so I'll stop yappin'.

Simple question: does anyone know what happened to Risk? I'm pretty sure Turpitude was their last album. It's quality work, IMO--certainly nothing there to suggest the band was running out of gas or anything. I remember really liking their CD "Reborn" back in '92, but then I couldn't get ahold of Turpitude no matter how much I tried. Finally I gave up--until now.

Does anyone even care? I know it's been a long time, but what the hell. May as well ask the question...