Roster Change!!

You know what, I am very happy with the substitute as I was not so crazy about Wastefall's new effort. Soulrain 21 is incredible, but i feel as if they went backwards with the new one. i would still love to see them in the future. With that said, I loved Zero Hours last disc and am really looking forward to seeing them this year. Nice job with the replacement Glenn. Sorry it was under these circumstances....
Personally, I was thrilled with Jorn replacing Nevermore. Now Zero Hour too!!! I would much rather see Zero Hour than Wastefall. No Offense to Wastefall(or Nevermore) fans intended. This just makes the show that much more exciting for me. Hopefully, this will be the final line up though. Way to recover again Glenn!! Thats why you always put on the best show on the Planet!!! By the way Glenn, Zero Hour gives you some nice Props in their A Fragile Mind CD. It's nice to see credit given when credit is due. Keep up the Great work Glenn.

General Zod said:
Fear not. I can offer you direction and counsel over beers in Atlanta.


Your on. You must allow me though, to represent some of my musical tastes for your displeasure as well :kickass:

Bummed about Wastefall. Always look forward to seeing a band I don't know much about. Stoked about ZH! PP wouldn't make sense with out the Tiptons there. And, want to see them with the new singer.

Zod, along with Bear I too will take you up on the Therapy for Beer offer :kickass: regardless who is playing this year.
I was really looking forward to seeing Wastefall too......

--But ZH is a great choice! They've slayed at ProgPowers past and will do so again! And yeah, ProgPower USA hasn't seemed......complete....without the presence of the always-amiable Tipton bro's. :headbang:

Cool!! I am going to see Chris Salinas this Sat, night in a Queensryche cover band "Mindcrime". If you guys haven't heard this dude sing, you're in for a treat!! I mean, he does "Queen of the Ryche" complete with the air raid siren voice up front!! One of the guitar players in Mindcrime also plays with Leatherwolf. PP is taking on a Texan flavor (Stride last year!!)!!

I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy in Houston
Chris :headbang:
SavaVIDude said:

Cool!! I am going to see Chris Salinas this Sat, night in a Queensryche cover band "Mindcrime".

Cool! I do know the drummer (Craig LeMay) from Mindcrime myself (at least we talked at length on-line a little while ago - wonder if he'll be at ProgPower, like to finally meet him face-to-face.)

I am bummed about Wastefall having to bail myself as I was getting into them, but at the same time, this Zero Hour does sound kick-ass. I went and downloaded an MP3 file off thier website, as I've never heard any of thier material before. Either way, it is so awesome to check out new (to me) bands and to get. I've been listening to metal for only God knows how long, and it is amazing how many more bands I still find that I've never heard about before, especially thanks to things like this forum and the ProgPower festival.

I cannot friggan wait!

As for Nevermore, well, I did get to see them at Jaxx with Evergrey. Yeah, it was awesome, so I already got to see what would've been the two headliner acts anyway. For me, I am more excited about Jorn than Nevermore, so, like many others, this may actually be quite the blessing in disguis. Pain in the ass for Glenn to deal with all the hassles and last-minute running around (and believe me, we are very much appreciated for this - I can only imagine what it has to take to put something like this together and to pull it off as successfully has it has been), but in the end, it sounds like we may just end up with a stronger line-up than what was originally intended.

Okay, now if Evergrey decided they could not make it and Sonata Arctica stepped in (just kidding :devil: )
Just had to get on and thank everyone for making us even more STOKED to play ProgPower. We were just as surprised as anyone else to receive the call.

Thank you Glenn for having us back and Thank you all for the support.


Welcome! Can't wait to hear ya! Bummer for the WF guys but this has got to be as good as it gets for making a bad situation awesome.