Roy says hello to the doubters...


LMAO... where do you come up with those!
This is one of the TOP FIVE power metal records ever released (IMO) and it's because of ROY KHAN. He just sang what they told on his first Kamelot album but this is the one where he really got his input on melodies and you can tell immediately or it's possibly the band realized his full capabilities and wrote to his strengths, either way. TOP FIVE

I'm offended by the thought that what I wear on stage is somehow a costume.

Goggles are a regular part of my wardrobe.
Damn Straight.


This is the jist of what I was thinking too. How are we supposed to place merit in the judgmental wardrobe opinions of a band that wore leather bondage harnesses and loin cloths? If Manowar's music and image is somehow the standard by which "true" "non-poser" metal is to be measured, I think I may need to retire from my fandom of the genre.:heh:
This picture was only taken to establish that the band was not using any fake tattoo clothing. And I have it on good authority, they killed all the animals they're pictured wearing with only a bass solo.

I believe that, considering that 9 out of 10 times, a bass or drum solo will indeed kill all living things from sheer boredom...