Sabaton question


Sep 11, 2010
Heart of Dixie
Glenn's FB pic that showed the Sabaton t shirt clue made me realize that I don't know where to start with Sabaton. I kind of get the impression that they are like Manowar, only with guns, battle and bombs in place of swords and dragons on the random lyric generation machine. Is there one quintessential Sabaton album that I should listen to first?
Sabaton's music has been pretty consistent. Start with Primo Victoria, their first album. They do what I call "History Metal". Most (if not all) of their songs are about events in history.
While their first 3 albums were really good (Primo Victoria, Attero Dominatus, Metalizer), the light not only went on, but exploded for me, and I think it is safe to say for the rest of the metal community, with The Art of War. Every song is memorable and no doubt, to date, their quintessential release! :kickass:
Not at all like Manowar!

As everyone else said, The Art of War. It's pretty universally agreed to be their best album. If you want to start with one song, start with Ghost Division. I was a fan after my first listen to that song (and that rarely ever happens for me, I usually have to listen to an album 5 times before I even start to like it).
As others have said, Art of War. It's by far their best album from start to finish. The only one I would suggest against would be Coat of Arms, which I was less than enthused with.
You cannot go wrong with The Art of War. Attero Dominatus is an excellent second. Otherwise, the remaining albums typically have a couple really good songs, but are not as consistent as Art of War. Finally, I only recently picked up Carolus Rex and have only listened to it a couple times so I do not yet know where it will rank - though I doubt it will be up with The Art of War.

Keep in mind, even if, in the end, the music does not fully connect with you, there live show on the ProgPower stage will lay you to waste.....:devil:
(assuming we don't have a Brainstorm 2....:eek:)
"The Art of War" and "Coat of Arms" were my starting points, and I'd say those are the best albums for getting a feel for them. Pretty much everything they've done is great, though (although I never could get into "Metalizer"). I have a feeling, though, that even if you go in without hearing a note, their live show will convert you whether you like it or not. :D
First of all, please don't insult Sabaton by comparing them to Manowar. Sabaton is good.

Second, Art of War is the most consistently strong album of theirs. Ghost Division, 40-1, The Price of a Mile. Great album.
Definitely agree with The Art of War. Most consistently amazing. Though I love all their albums. I'd go Art of War, then Coat of Arms, and then back track to their older stuff. They really DID improve as they put out albums, but their old stuff is fantastic as well.
I kind of get the impression that they are like Manowar, only with guns, battle and bombs in place of swords and dragons on the random lyric generation machine.

I think the most important difference are that you will likely *never* see Sabaton performed wearing a leather speedo while covered in baby oil.
Wouldn't the "World War Live" be a good introduction?

I've always had a serious problem with their studio sound. The tinny transistor guitar tone really hurts after awhile. But, live the band is nearly unbeatable IMHO...