

Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Glancing over the Hosted Zines section on UM, and LotFP has slowed down as Raggi explained, Mainstream Resistance is still going with a '1 post once every six months' thread on Sabbat :D , and Swedish Metal hasn't been posted in for over a month. That used to be the biggest zine on the block, anyone know what's going on out there?

Anyway, somebody needs to get a Sabbat (UK) review up on RC. Their last album not quite as necessary....
Nah, I traded away their last. Shit production, shit vocals (not really, but wholly unfitting)... Everything good about Sabbat gone.

HISTORY OF A TIME TO FUCKING COME, though: GENIUS. Holy fucking shit that album makes me want to bang my head against the stage as if up from the dead like I've never done before. And think at the same time, with those lyrics.
Swedish Metal has a new forum now, I tried to browse it but you have to register just to read the threads, so I mumbled "facka joo..." and went somewhere else.

I've never heard Sabbat but probably should.
Their albums are RARE CULT OOP HTF L@@K BURZUM MAYHEM!!!!!! so download tracks if you can. "Hosianna in Excelsis" and "For Those Who Died", preferably.
Those songtitles sound familiar...

Rare OOP stuff is only cool if you have your own copy, otherwise it sucks mad balls.

Haha, just noticed your eGay reference, nice.
Everything Erik has said here is true, except he didn't mention their defining moment, Dreamweaver. Both the first two albums are must-haves. The third is the red headed step child, although it has its moments. With Martin Walkyier gone, it made a world of difference, but you could tell Andy Sneap was really trying to keep it together....

Anyway, somebody needs to review the first two just because they are hidden gems. I paid $25 for those two from some kid in Australia. \m/
That's because I've yet to "get" Dreamweaver. I own it, but I haven't listened to it enough yet to grasp it. Of course, it's very much in the same style as HoaTtC except perhaps even more epic. It's also even more difficult to get hold of.

I paid about $6 or $7 each for both of the first ones on vinyl. \m/ \m/.
Erik said:
That's because I've yet to "get" Dreamweaver. I own it, but I haven't listened to it enough yet to grasp it. Of course, it's very much in the same style as HoaTtC except perhaps even more epic. It's also even more difficult to get hold of.
If I remember right, Papa Josh is going to review it. I didn't realize it was harder to find than the debut. Once in a blue moon, I see the debut on sale at The End and I'm always shocked to see it listed.

I paid about $6 or $7 each for both of the first ones on vinyl. \m/ \m/.
Disgusting. That is all. :tickled: /w\
martin walkyier has a new band now with one of the guys from immortal
they're called 'the clan destined'
should be interesting
I designed a logo for him a while back,
a very nice bloke indeed

oh aye and sabbat were great
saw them in belfast many moons ago it was a good night....from what I remember
History of a Time to Come is now on sale at The End. Somehow these guys get this rarity and sell it on occasion for regular price. This shit goes on sale on eBay for $30, but The End have it for $12. Oh and it just happens to be a minor masterpiece.
It is rare, as in "fetches $30 on eBay pretty easily". As said though, it's not nearly as hard to come by as "Dreamweaver." Anyway, if you have the chance to buy HoaTtC for a decent price and don't have it, what the FUCK are you doing reading this post?!?!
On a different note, I saw your np and totally forgot I'd had that Tormentor cover in my collection for nearly a year :oops: not quite as good as the original methinks...