San Diego Fires


RI Porch Commando
Oct 21, 2003
San Diego, CA
Four years ago, we had the Cedar Fire here in San Diego. The last few days we have been dealing with an even more massive fire storm. There are at least three major fires burning across our county, most of which are almost completely out of control. Fortunately, the county has done an incredible job of handling the situation.

Currently, more than 950K people have been evacuated from their neighborhoods and more than 250K acres have burned. At least 1500 homes have been completely destroyed with hundreds of businesses also entirely gone. Entire cities are being, or have been evacuated. In the last few hours, some evacuees have been told they can go home, thankfully. The news is all a bit sketchy since the fires are so sporadic and random in their burn patterns. We've had Santa Ana winds gusting up to hurricane force winds over the last few days, funneling the flames through the canyons and up/over/around the mountains here. The low humidity and high heat combination... There is a reason we call these Santa Anas "Devil Winds". There are many, many fires raging through Southern California right now, so we are not alone in this emergency. :(

Our family is in Escondido (North East SD) and we are waiting to hear if we are to be evacuated. The largest of the fires (Witch Creek, currently 1% of 240K acres contained) is burning relatively close to where we live. That fire is on the verge of merging with another large fire (Poomacha fire) north of us. On the west of us, Del Dios and Rancho Santa Fe are dealing with sporadic and very intense fires. Much of the vegetation through Del Dios/Rancho Santa Fe all the way out to the coast (Del Mar) has not burned in decades, so the fuel capacity for these flames is just immense. The area also is home to multi-million dollar estates (Bill Gates and Janet Jackson, for instance, have homes in Rancho Santa Fe).

At this time, residents who are not being told to prep for evac or who haven't received reverse 911 calls to evac have been asked to remain in their homes (including us). If the winds shift, we will be most likely be told to go... we are packed and ready with the most important things, but leaving furniture and other things behind is pretty damn scary to think about.

Here are a couple of links that show what is burning where in San Diego:

Google Map of San Diego Fires
NBC San Diego

Please check on your friends and family here in SoCal. Try not to use cell phone numbers for calling, text messaging is strongly requested. We've been asked to use text messaging for cell phone correspondence as the emergency crews have had problems with communications. I'll post up more information as often as I can...
You know you have a place to come to if you have to leave and can make it here. You are in my heart and prayers and also in the prayers of my family, Mary is very upset that you guys are in danger, and also upset that other people are in danger. My whole family is praying for you and Todd and Cole. we love you and wish you the best in these hard and uncertain times.

Love you

Thank you all :), and J-Man... we will take you up on the offer should are other options not pan out. My boss was evacuated this morning from her home, which was one of our options. Plan B is to head to Todd's folks in La Jolla. Plan C is up to my folks in Whittier. We need to stay on top of road closures to know which plan to go with. Plan D is Texas, babee :D

We're thankful to have our power up and running, and to not be insanely stressed right now. Although Todd is being a trooper with my precautionary preparations. We already went through one house fire, so I'm being way anal about being ready. Right now, I'm just hoping all we have to do is unpack everything we packed up.
If I may offer a bit of insurance advise... TAKE PICTURES OF EVERYTHING YOU ARE LEAVING BEHIND. Go to your closet and take pictures of your closet full of clothes and shoes, take pictures of TV's, electronics, cd's, computers, food in the pantry, toys, garage items, cleaning items, open your drawers and take pictures of what's in there... (They don't have to be perfect or show every label or brand) and TAKE IT WITH YOU. That way if in the unfortunate event, you do have to file an insurance claim, you'll have before pictures to jog your memory. Take a picture even if you think you'll remember it. Take pictures of what's on your walls, floors, doors, etc.

You're in my prayers as always my love. Good luck and keep us updated.

And as I said in my text, even though I'm on the other side of the country, you are more than welcome here.

Love you, Todd and Cole.


PS- Do you really want to use Plan B right now? *wink*
Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this horror. I am waiting on word from my friend Nancy who lives out there with her daughter.
thirded. (I guess I mean fifthted.) ;)

So sorry to hear that these fires are as close to you as they are, Colleen. Obviously we all hoped it wouldn't be the case. I join everyone so far in saying that you all are in my prayers too. Glad you have options lined out and are ready to remove yourselves from harm's way if necessary. I also offer up a place for you all to stay, but since John is closer (and way cooler) I probably don't have to dust or vacuum the carpets just yet.

Stay safe and please update us when you can... we're all concerned.


I'm going to overstep my bounds a little bit and let you know that she *most likely* won't be calling for a while. Colleen texted me stating that Calif. is asking people to only use their phones in dire emergencies. I guess not to jam up the lines. She said that they can text. I know I'll be keeping my eye open for a text.

Again, sorry for stepping in and introjecting, but so people aren't worried if they don't get a phone call.

Hi, Metal~

I assumed that she would come back to this thread and let us know their status only when they were safe and able to do so. I never asked for nor expected a call in my post - I only mentioned for Collen (and/or Todd) to "please update us when you can" above because I am concerned like everyone else that they are OK.

What sucks is I can't check this board from work during the I know how C, T & C are doing. :( Stay Safe ya'll....and if you need more than Plan D....ya'll know where to come :) I got EVERYTHING crossed on me for luck...and that bucket of chicken for Jobu.

Coldie & Scott
Colleen and Todd, well you know I'd offer you a place...but I live in Stevenson Ranch, our fire is 40% contained and we are fine. I've been emailing people and posting bulletins on myspace letting people know we are okay.


My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.
First, Kitty I am beyond happy to hear that you are okay and that the fire(s) up near you are getting contained. *whew* I hope Drew is okay, especially considering he just moved down to SoCal. Drew... you okay?! I've seen posts from other friends on other boards that have eased some anxiety in wondering if they are also out of harms way, so that's good. We're still safe and out of harms way. Thanks, again, for the words of care and support. Can't tell you all how much it means to us. Metal... lmao at Plan B. Thank you for helping me smile M'Lady. :)

Here's an update as to what is going on in San Diego:

The two fires that are closest to us have officially merged (Witch Creek and Poomacha). Fortunately, the winds have calmed and humidity has risen. This is a huge blessing for the fire fighters and we are praying that this trend continues. It is already in the 90s here in Escondido today and these fires create their own weather, so we'll see how things go.

All public schools in the county are closed through the rest of the week, so our little dude is pretty stoked about that. ;) I may try to go donate some things to the families that have lost their homes later today if it's okay to leave for any length of time. Technically we *are* in an evacuation area, but we haven't been given any notice to leave.

Last night, one of the main corridors heading up in to Orange County (I-5) was completely shut down due to a fire on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base. One of the fires on the base was burning West towards the coast and a back fire that was lit jumped the 5 freeway, so they shut it down. Northbound lanes have since been reopened. This base is situated very close to the San Onofre nuclear power plant. As of two hours ago, a control burn is being created in San Onofre in order to protect transmission lines and power plants near Camp Pendelton. SDG&E has been concerned about the towers that feed power out throughout the south land due to their proximity to the Pendleton fire. We are on power alert and have had brief/sporadic outages where we live, so we've been doing our best to try and conserve as much as possible, hence no posts since last night. My apologies for causing any worries. Cell coverage is a bit sketchy so I will try my best to keep in touch via text msgs, but no promises on that.

Some recent stats:

Out of 65K acres of Avacado groves here in San Diego, 20K acres have burned. That equals almost a quarter of a billion dollars in Avacado revenue for the county.

The Witch Fire (North to Central SD): 200K+ acres, 10% contained, 12 firefighters hurt, 645 homes destroyed, merged with Poomacha fire

Harris Fire (South East SD): 73K+ acres, 10% contained, heading

Rice Fire (North SD): 7,500 acres, 15%contained, 1 firefighter injured, 206 homes destroyed, 40K people evacuated.

Horno Fire (Camp Pendleton): 6,000 acres, 10%contained

I'll try to find out info about the fires going on north of us and will post another update as soon as I can.

Love to you all!
Damn my avocados are gone??????? Just kidding, the main thing is you and Todd and Cole are okay, and Kitty and Drew are okay, I have been worried sick, and Mary has been calling me hourly to see if I have heard anything from you guys, so this will make her feel better. Take care and remember we LOVE YOU DEARLY.