Schaffer Talks About New IE album

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
Jon: "Yeah, we're for sure gonna do that, and it wasn't that it was given to me, but it's been somethin' that I've been pitchin' to SPV that I had to have certain commitments from them in order to carry on with it. Believe it or not, after all these years, especially around the writing process for 'The Glorious Burden', I was thinkin', 'Man, you know, I've gotta finish the 'Something Wicked' thing one of these days.' And I wonder if, after all these years, if I'm still gonna be inspired enough to want to do it; to really get into it and to tell the story the way it needs to be told. And I think, because my daughter being born, I'm finally able to…. I don't know man, I feel psyched, I'm totally pumped and ready to attack this thing. And SPV's goin' along with my plan — the decision was made Friday that we're gonna do it. It's gonna be two albums: it's gonna be a Part I and then Part II will probably be released six months later. Part I will come out as we're finishing up Part II and then we'll probably kick off the world tour with the release of Part II. So it's gonna probably be three and a half hours of music and I mean, I'm tellin' a story that is sci-fi kind of horror, conspiracy theory, but it's based over twelve thousand years of human history; there's a lot to tackle in this thing. The trilogy was just a teaser to the whole story and what we're gonna be gettin' in to is so much bigger. And that's actually the big news, I know there have been a lot of people that have been wantin' that to happen for a long time."

On Track Magazine: Yeah definitely, definitely sounds fantastic.

Jon: "It has to be our 'Operation Mindcrime' or our 'The Wall'. This is it — this has got to destroy everything we've ever done. I'm feelin' the pressure, but it's a good thing, it's got me, like, energized and just ready to attack. I spent last week with Tim… I actually just got back from Sweden last night ‘cause we did the video for 'Terror Train' over there for the DEMONS album. But I spent last week with Tim because he just had a daughter too; she was born a month after mine was, and both families got together and spent the week together over there and just had a great time. Y'know, he's workin' on his side-project thing now, but he's really gettin' excited and ready to come back into this world and get on with it, so it should be very cool. Y'know, we're not gonna tour at all unless some big opportunity comes, and I mean big. It's gotta be like METALLICA big, IRON MAIDEN, that kind of a tour, and then we would go back out, it would be worth it. But otherwise, anything else is just gonna take away time from us gettin' the next record done."

These 2 albums are going to be the albums of life time!!! I absolutely love IE with/without Barlowe (preferably with)!!! I will do everything in my power to see them at least 3 times on this tour!!
as long as it doesn't sound like horror show or "glorious" burden with excessive double bass and lack of melody, and more like their earlier albums I'm all for it. But I would be skeptical...

Thanks for the news though. You should post this in the near dead iced earth forum.
Now see I on the other hand loved both of those albums, so I would have no problem with them going in that direction. However, they are the most inferior of the releases, but that doesnt mean that I dont love them.
I hope the music sounds like Something Wicked, because the last two albums are weak, especially The Glorious Burden. I don't have much hopes for it though as it seems like Jon has run out of ideas and just keeps recycling riffs over and over again, be it with IE or Demons & Wizards.

I liked GB better than the Horror thing. I liked Barlow, also, but Ripper can just fuckin' SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it looks like Ripper is definitely gonna sing on this one!!

Something Wocked was, IMO a masterpiece. I hope this new shit sounds that!!

Chris :headbang:
alexofbodom said:
I hope the music sounds like Something Wicked, because the last two albums are weak, especially The Glorious Burden. I don't have much hopes for it though as it seems like Jon has run out of ideas and just keeps recycling riffs over and over again, be it with IE or Demons & Wizards.

Totally true, he went from being one of my all-time fav rhythm guitarists/composers to boring me out of my mind.

I do like Horror Show though, I think it's one of the most layered and complex IE albums ever..but my fav is Something wicked..

The thing I miss the most is Barlow..Ripper does not have stage prescense or the range to fill Matt's shoes..I mean, yeah, he can scream all he wants (and I guess a lot of people in this forum like that) and throw punches at the audience(WTF is that anyway)...but it's the low baritone voice that made the old shit sound so cool and emotional!

Imagine Dante's Inferno with Ripper on Vocals? It just would not sound as dark as with Barlow, same thing for the whole Dark Saga album.. Iced Earth had an inner "darkness" and dynamic sensibilities to the music that it was just not present in Glorious Burden..couple that with generic riffs and voila, recipe for disaster.
BlindPanzer said:
as long as it doesn't sound like horror show or "glorious" burden with excessive double bass and lack of melody, and more like their earlier albums I'm all for it. But I would be skeptical...

Thanks for the news though. You should post this in the near dead iced earth forum.

Horror and Burden were horrific turds imo. IE has lost their (his) magic... I truly hope some day Jon can return to form some day....
Creeps said:
You need to get over Barlow coming back in the band, he's moved on so should we all.

I think most have "moved on" on the Barlow issue in terms that they know he won't be coming back. That still doesn't really change the fact that we can discuss whether or not Tim Owens is a better replacement.
Tim Owens is the only guy I could see replacing Barlow. You just won't find someone good enough to have the low-end range and scream like a banshee as well. I really didn't listen to Owens until he joined Iced Earth, so I'm not listening to him as if he's a Rob Halford clone. I'm listening to him as a guy trying to sing in Iced Earth.

And he does it damn well.

So I'm not gonna bother wishing Barlow was coming back. I'm gonna wish for the Set Abominae story to kick unholy ass. Even though I liked some of the songs on Horror Show and Glorious Burden and loved Gettysburg, I don't really think that those two albums were Jon's best work, simply cuz of the conflict inside IE when Barlow was having a tough time being in the band without his whole heart into it. ow, knowing that Ripper is 100% into this band and Jon can now write songs with Ripper's voice in mind, it's now a chance for him to write an album that kicks ass from start to finish like Something Wicked did. Cuz with that album, there's not a song I don't like on it.

I just want a full-blown live DVD of Iced Earth, damnit! I've got half a dozen bootleg tapes of them, and I need MORE!
Bryan316 said:
Tim Owens is the only guy I could see replacing Barlow. You just won't find someone good enough to have the low-end range and scream like a banshee as well. I really didn't listen to Owens until he joined Iced Earth, so I'm not listening to him as if he's a Rob Halford clone. I'm listening to him as a guy trying to sing in Iced Earth.

And he does it damn well.

So I'm not gonna bother wishing Barlow was coming back. I'm gonna wish for the Set Abominae story to kick unholy ass. Even though I liked some of the songs on Horror Show and Glorious Burden and loved Gettysburg, I don't really think that those two albums were Jon's best work, simply cuz of the conflict inside IE when Barlow was having a tough time being in the band without his whole heart into it. ow, knowing that Ripper is 100% into this band and Jon can now write songs with Ripper's voice in mind, it's now a chance for him to write an album that kicks ass from start to finish like Something Wicked did. Cuz with that album, there's not a song I don't like on it.

I just want a full-blown live DVD of Iced Earth, damnit! I've got half a dozen bootleg tapes of them, and I need MORE!

I didn't like Horror Show at all, but otherwise...
Bryan316 said:
Tim Owens is the only guy I could see replacing Barlow. You just won't find someone good enough to have the low-end range and scream like a banshee as well. I really didn't listen to Owens until he joined Iced Earth, so I'm not listening to him as if he's a Rob Halford clone. I'm listening to him as a guy trying to sing in Iced Earth.

And he does it damn well.

So I'm not gonna bother wishing Barlow was coming back. I'm gonna wish for the Set Abominae story to kick unholy ass. Even though I liked some of the songs on Horror Show and Glorious Burden and loved Gettysburg, I don't really think that those two albums were Jon's best work, simply cuz of the conflict inside IE when Barlow was having a tough time being in the band without his whole heart into it. ow, knowing that Ripper is 100% into this band and Jon can now write songs with Ripper's voice in mind, it's now a chance for him to write an album that kicks ass from start to finish like Something Wicked did. Cuz with that album, there's not a song I don't like on it.

I just want a full-blown live DVD of Iced Earth, damnit! I've got half a dozen bootleg tapes of them, and I need MORE!

Ok, I'll quit the Barlow wishful thinking. I DO wish Jon gets around to writing awesome riffs again, remember Pure Evil?

He should exploit the fact that Ripper can SCREAM and write music that fits him vocally, I'm betting Pure Evil live with Ripper sounds awesome..he could write shit like that again..
He should exploit the fact that Ripper can SCREAM and write music that fits him vocally

Most of The Glorious Burden was actually written for Matt. Ripper happened to come in after pretty much everything was written. That's why it doesn't much sound like it was written to take advantage of Ripper's voice.

I'm betting Pure Evil live with Ripper sounds awesome..he could write shit like that again..

Actually, the way I understand it, Jon hates that era of Iced Earth. He says he was in a bad place when he wrote NotS and BO, and he wrote accordingly dark music to go along with it. Nowadays, he's much happier, and his songwriting doesn't have that darkness to it (and probably never will again, IMO). I liked TGB a good deal, but I don't think Jon will ever eclipse the greatness of Iced Earth circa NotS thru SWTWC.
booB said:
He should exploit the fact that Ripper can SCREAM and write music that fits him vocally

Most of The Glorious Burden was actually written for Matt. Ripper happened to come in after pretty much everything was written. That's why it doesn't much sound like it was written to take advantage of Ripper's voice.

I'm betting Pure Evil live with Ripper sounds awesome..he could write shit like that again..

Actually, the way I understand it, Jon hates that era of Iced Earth. He says he was in a bad place when he wrote NotS and BO, and he wrote accordingly dark music to go along with it. Nowadays, he's much happier, and his songwriting doesn't have that darkness to it (and probably never will again, IMO). I liked TGB a good deal, but I don't think Jon will ever eclipse the greatness of Iced Earth circa NotS thru SWTWC.

yeah I bet you are right...but we can only dream...I really liked some songs off of Horror show, like wolf, Dracula and Opera Ghost, I just didn't think there were any real ass-kickers in TGB...the riffs felt tired and the drums, hell, it was Richard Christy but it might as well have been the chick drummer in Lenny Kravitz passion whatsoever....

I'd like the new shit if it had passion, that's all I ask..
I interviewed Schaffer recently for Harder Beat Magazine in Dallas ( and one thing he said that I found very interesting was that when he first heard Tim play in JP he had to meet him because that was the voice he always heard in his head when he writes his songs. Basically, he's always been writing songs with Tim's voice in mind.

I love Glorious Burdon! "Declaration Day" gives me chills, "When the Eagle Cries" is full of emotion, "Red Baron, Blue Max," "The Reconing" and "Valley Forge" all kick ass, "Hollow Man" is haunting and "Gettysburg" is un-fucking-believable. I picked GB as my favorite album of the year last year.
TBJ said:
I don't care either way, be it like the old shit or the new long as he gets Barlow back!

Werd, muthafucka. :headbang:

Though it would have been better with him, I seriously doubt that even Matt could've saved TGB (IMO).

I am still open to hearing new IE material, but I'm real skeptical of the amount of quality new riffs that Schaeffer has left in him.

I sure as hell won't be paying money to find out though.