Scion Rock Fest


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
for those of us on the West coast who can't afford to shell out the money for a plane ticket, hotel, and beer, we have...


Morbid Angel, Obituary, Death Angel, Atheist and Agalloch? And it's free?

Sign me up
So I've got my plane tickets purchased, my event tickets were RSVP'd for ages all should be good to go!

Just gotta get my hotel room ready
It's going to suck when you get there to only to find out they ran out of tickets. They let more people sign up for what they have available, and it's first come first serve.

I am pretty pissed that I basically live right next to this and can't go to it.
It's cool that it's free but honestly I'd almost prefer a small price such as $5 just so people could secure tickets. I'd love to go but I'm not going to drive down to LA and wait in a huge line for a "maybe we have tickets", at least with a $5 or even a $1 charge people could get tickets online or something to know they have a slot (though one could argue that defeats the point of having it free so everyone has a chance, despite the fact that this format favors those who live right next to the venue or are crazy as fuck).