Scott rules

Sounds like they were able to get out of their deal with Beyond. I wonder who they signed with. Hmmm......:confused:

What do you think about that Bérurier Noir?? It's nice for us to see the topic of the new apha male on french...
Et en passant, j'ai beaucoup écouter de bérurier noir dans ma jeunesse... C'était un de mes groupe préféré!!! Domage qu'ils ont quitté si tot!!!
S'cuse me guy's for the french quote... what about learning some french??? It's would be nice to put some french topic on this board!!! I'm just kidding....
What about a song in french Scott???? Come leave in Quebec Scott, you will have the better of both world, american style with a french culture!!! And we have the most beautiful women on earth!!!