Screaming Shadows...awesome new Trad/Power Metal band, very Iron-Maidenish!!!


Aug 13, 2009

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I actually really like their music! My only beef is that their singer seems a bit stiff on his feet. Move around, buddy!!
The second song is SO much better than the first. Is it even the same singer? I did the video first and was bored. I got the maiden influence on the chorus, but the singer left me cold. But the second one is straight up Maiden. His voice is DRIVING it. Did anyone else get that?
The second song is SO much better than the first. Is it even the same singer? I did the video first and was bored. I got the maiden influence on the chorus, but the singer left me cold. But the second one is straight up Maiden. His voice is DRIVING it. Did anyone else get that?

Yeah, definitely. I have no idea why they chose the first tune for the video, the 2nd is much better.
Decided to give the second song a chance, with all the nice comments. It's cool, for sure, but you could tell me it was a new Maiden song and I'd have believed.

Definitely better than the first one!
Tobias is the closest to Bruce that will ever be.... (IMHO) :err:

Hmmm, then check these two out (both killer btw):

