So im smack bang in the middle of a area heavy with swine flu


\m/ Scanner Scrag \m/
Jun 22, 2008
and its maybe for some very interesting nights at work! (i work at the safeway like 150 metres from where i live).

I've had:

*A lady ask if teh mexican mangoes were ok to eat because they were form mexico.
*A guy grab all his shit off my conveyor belt and move to another register purely because i sneezed once before serving him.
*One lady walking around with a face mask looking completely silly.
*Another older lady walking around with a scarf over her face.

haha it hasn't even been released to the media or newspapers but my nephews primary school was closed all this week cause it has swine flu (the PS in mill park). Which isn't surprising casue the high school here and in epping (suburb across) have both been closed due to swine flu haha.

and its not even dangerous those silly people!
I almost laughed when I read this morning a headline that the swine flu count had soared to 147 people. That's not soaring. Soaring is 10k in one day. Sheesh.

It's nothing, people, and if I end up getting it and dying then I'll happily put my hand up and admit to being wrong.
On the radio this morning they were saying that it's not even a bad flu. It's supposedly pretty mild, but if it spreads around and mutates or some shit, next flu season when it rears its head again it'll be way worse.

I reckon the solution is to find a group of un-infected pigs...kill the rest of the world's pig population. Have BACONFEST '09 and start breeding new non-flu infected pigs.

Second part of the plan is have everyone in the world stay in an isolation room for a week or two eating said bacon, then when we're all non contageous, re-enter the world with no flu ridden pigs.
BACONFEST '09!!!!! I love that idea, and am voting one Saltman :)

And fuck the flu, man up, don't believe the fucking hype that this countries media feels the need to push on us, we are alot smarter than your average fearful, easily stunned US citizen
All this swine flu shit is annoying me as much as that slapper who got locked up in Thailand, Matty Johns' sex life and Paris Hilton.


Second part of the plan is have everyone in the world stay in an isolation room for a week or two eating said bacon, then when we're all non contageous, re-enter the world with no flu ridden pigs.

I can't wait to see how you plan on selling this plan to the Middle East.
It's nothing, people, and if I end up getting it and dying then I'll happily put my hand up and admit to being wrong.


It's died down over here now, sick of people wearing the masks everywhere though. It doesn't stop you getting it, it stops it spreading. Idiots.

More people have died from 'regular' flu this year, but the worry is later this year when this flu has had a chance to develop. Oh well, what can you do about it, really? Though the next dirty fucker that sneezes in my face will get such a slap.
I like how California is treating just as a everyday flu and isn't doing any of that quarantine bullshit
CONSPIRACY THEORY: The government is just using this relatively minor disease to test the response in case there's something that's actually serious that comes along. It's new (which means that it's not wide spread yet), relatively easy to identify and track, so they can keep track of the spread.
That doesn't seem all that far fetched. Granted it would be an expensive exercise. I don't recall anything official that indicates the severity of swine flu. Maybe phloggy is right. Maybe he has a fever and is delerious.
I had a conspiracy theory during the SARS thing, that it was created by the government to put a stop to Asian immigration. Nobody listened to me though.