So many Rage haters in here...


Feb 24, 2002
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I have heard many people talk bad about Rage in this forum. That is totally fine since everybody is entitled to his/her opinion, but what I can't stand is people judging them on one or two albums recorded back in the 80s. They sound totally different now-a-days. Their latest album, Unity, is a killer metal album that blows away 99.9% of all metal albums in the world. I'm willing to bet that many of you who think Rage sucks without having actually heard albums such as Unity, Black In Mind, Missing Link, or XIII, will be proven wrong at ProgPower.

Rage rules and they totally deserve the headlining slot at this year's progpower festival.
Unity is kicking my ass right now. I bought it earlier today and have gotten through it about 3 or 4 times already. I also have had Ghosts for some time. If I were judging the band based off Ghosts alone I might be a little dissapointed. I see where you are coming from here.
I like Rage, but I just can't see them as headliners over the multitudes of better bands that had to have been available for this year's show. Rage, to me, is like Angra last year. One big attraction, but not the one to hang your hat on.
There is a method to the madness. Trust me. Last year Angra went before Gamma Ray for a reason, because it was felt all the prog fans wouldn't stay for Gamma Ray if they went on last, but the power fans would stay for Angra. Look at what happened to PoS last year because BG went before (at their own request). I doubt it'll be a problem this year with Nightwish and SyX since they appeal to the same demographic, but you see a similar situation at work with Mercenary. If you put mercenary in an opening slot a lot of people probably stay away just because they hear there are some death vox involved, and that would have been a real tragedy because Mercenary is excellent and should appeal to any fan of good heavy metal. As for Rage, don't underestimate them. You don't hang around for 20+ years without building up a good sized fanbase. If nothing else the headline spot is a show of respect for one of the early, pioneering bands of the genre. I am quite confident they will knock everyone squarely on their backsides. Peavy's been waiting too long to play over here to not let that happen. :headbang:

woosta said:
I like Rage, but I just can't see them as headliners over the multitudes of better bands that had to have been available for this year's show. Rage, to me, is like Angra last year. One big attraction, but not the one to hang your hat on.
Locust0311 said:
There is a method to the madness. Trust me. Last year Angra went before Gamma Ray for a reason, because it was felt all the prog fans wouldn't stay for Gamma Ray if they went on last, but the power fans would stay for Angra.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information. Angra went on after Gamma Ray, not before.

I find it interesting that anyone would not see Rage as a band fit to headline.... let me put it into retrospect for those who feel that Rage may not be deserving of this time slot:

a.) Glenn may not have been able to secure anather band to headline, in fact, it's quite possible there was another band for the slot, but he couldn't secure them for the festival in time or they backed out, so Rage just moved up a notch (or two?)..."why" you ask? read on!

b.) 14 albums, 4-5 EP's and numerous CD singles released world wide over a nearly 20 year career.

c.) They have been deserving to come and play the U.S. just as any other band that could have hedlined, if not MORE than most if you look at the bands history, career and album sales.

d.) They just kick all sorts of ass....period!:devil:

It's typicly an "American" attitude to write off a band that is not familiar or well known. I'm just taking a swing at this, but I bet most of the people disapointed in Rage headlining are under the age of 25.:p

I have been a fan of Rage since 92' back when I was in 8th grade (I just dated myself didn't I! :yuk: ) and to me, the first album I heard, Reflections of A Shadow (I highly recomend this album!) kicked my ass up and down and I was a faithful fan since, in fact our Drummer is also a huge fan along with other friends of ours here in Utah. I have waited Ten years to see Rage and was conviced I would have to fly to Europe to see them live... thanks to Glenn, I don't have to now! I can't wait to see RAGE live!

In a way... they are just as deserving of the slot as Helloween, Starovarius, or Iced Earth... It's not anyones fault but your own if you don't know them by now, or only own one or two albums and don't find them to be that appealing. I think the non-believers need to give Rage a chance first, Hell...If Jim Raggi can become a fan of Rage, anyone can!!! :saint:

My 2 cent!


Someone recommended Rage to me sometime last year. I glanced over their MP3s and wasn't impressed. That being said, I will give them every chance to win me over before PPIV. I will make it a point to check out "Unity". These things have a way of showing in the MP3 newsgroups shortly after the ProgPower bands are announced. If you had to rate their top three CDs, in order, what would they be? Thanks.

General Zod said:

If you had to rate their top three CDs, in order, what would they be? Thanks.


That's pretty hard to narrow it down to I'll give you five, hows that? :D :p

1. Reflections of a Shadow (1990)
2. Unity (2002)
3. Thirteen (1998)
4. Welcome to the Other Side (2000)
5. Trapped (1992)

General Zod said:

Someone recommended Rage to me sometime last year. I glanced over their MP3s and wasn't impressed. That being said, I will give them every chance to win me over before PPIV. I will make it a point to check out "Unity". These things have a way of showing in the MP3 newsgroups shortly after the ProgPower bands are announced. If you had to rate their top three CDs, in order, what would they be? Thanks.


1-Unity (2001) (priority!!!!! Most of their songs at PPIV will probably come from that album, and it is also their best album ever!!!)

2-Black In Mind (1995) - IMO, one of the best power metal albums of all time!!!!! A bit more thrashy thatn Unity, but still great.

3-Missing Link (1993) - More in the veins of Black in Mind - heavy yet melodic.

4-XIII - Featuring the orchestra of Prague (they also appear in Lingua Morits, and Ghosts)

Rage has gone through major line-up changes throughout their history, and they have changed their styles several times. Their early releases are power metal of the 80s, but darker than Helloween and thsoe bands. In the early 90s they became more melodic, yet still kept their aggresivenes up to Black In Mind. Then, in the later 90s they released a series of albums that are more symphonic and with a full orchestra. Then the whole band left Peavy, and in the beginning of the 21st century, Mike Terrana and Victor Smolski joined and helped create a new sound, which comes in the form of "Unity". (They also released Welcome to the Other Side, but that album although good, pales in comparison to Unity). The musicianship at Rage is extremely high. Everybody knows Mike Terrana. He is an awesome drummer and he does a great job on Unity. Victor Smolski is one of the best and most innovative guitarists in the world. His playing on this album is unreal. And Peavy has one of the greates voices out ther IMO. They even play an instrumental track on that album (the titeltrack) which is both very melodic and very progressive. All the songs on Unity rule, and the sound is as perfect as it could be (recorded in Blind Guardian's studio).
To all of you who have not heard Unity, I can only recommend you to try it out.
I really like Rage, and I think they deserve the closing act ... I have all their CDs (17 in total, plus some EPs and a DVD). Peavy, Terrana and Smolski will blow our heads with good heavy metal !!!!
General Zod said:

Someone recommended Rage to me sometime last year. I glanced over their MP3s and wasn't impressed.


Unfortunately, for some reason Rage is a band that's pretty difficult to be impressed by after only glancing at a few mp3s. I'll repeat the quote that Raggi posted from Erik Ravn (yeah, I really love this quote): "I love RAGE, it’s one of my favorite bands, but they’re only getting better and better every fucking record, you know?.....It’s hard to talk to people about RAGE, it’s hard to explain what the fascination is. What do they do? They play heavy metal. It’s hard to explain that they do it better than everybody else. They make one great song after another, without any gimmicks."

So in these days of a million metal releases per month, mp3s everywhere, and the rapid rate at which people "consume" albums, I can't really fault people for not going through the time and effort required to comprehend the genius of Rage.

It's only after listening to several of their albums over a period of time that you realize "oh my god, this band is just better than everybody else, and they NEVER do anything that sucks!"

For proof of that, look at the thread "Rank the PP4 Bands". Rage is either ranked right at the bottom, or in the number one spot. They're never in the middle. That tells me that most people ranking them at the bottom just don't know enough about them, but once people "discover" them, they move straight to the top of the list.

If I didn't know about Rage, and heard a bunch of people talking about their 20 year career, I'd think "oh, great, a bunch of washed up old-timers living off nostalgia from the '80s". But amazingly, that's not the case with Rage at all; they're the only band I can think of who have had a career that long and NEVER had "down" period, and that makes them all the more incredible. Can you think of any other bands that released one of their best albums 14 albums into their career? And it's not like they had 13 crappy ones before that either.

As far as recommending best albums, that's pretty difficult, since they're basically all really good, and it just depends what style you like the most (as they've moved quite naturally through a variety of styles). My personal favorites would be The Missing Link, Black in Mind, Welcome to the Other Side, Trapped!, Perfect Man, Secrets in a Weird World....ok, I'll stop there before I name them all. In general, I'd say that Unity, Black in Mind, and The Missing Link would all be good places to start, and XIII or Ghosts if you want to hear their orchestral stuff.

skyrefuge said:
Unfortunately, for some reason Rage is a band that's pretty difficult to be impressed by after only glancing at a few mp3s. I'll repeat the quote that Raggi posted from Erik Ravn (yeah, I really love this quote): "I love RAGE, it’s one of my favorite bands, but they’re only getting better and better every fucking record, you know?.....It’s hard to talk to people about RAGE, it’s hard to explain what the fascination is. What do they do? They play heavy metal. It’s hard to explain that they do it better than everybody else. They make one great song after another, without any gimmicks."

So in these days of a million metal releases per month, mp3s everywhere, and the rapid rate at which people "consume" albums, I can't really fault people for not going through the time and effort required to comprehend the genius of Rage.

It's only after listening to several of their albums over a period of time that you realize "oh my god, this band is just better than everybody else, and they NEVER do anything that sucks!"

For proof of that, look at the thread "Rank the PP4 Bands". Rage is either ranked right at the bottom, or in the number one spot. They're never in the middle. That tells me that most people ranking them at the bottom just don't know enough about them, but once people "discover" them, they move straight to the top of the list.

If I didn't know about Rage, and heard a bunch of people talking about their 20 year career, I'd think "oh, great, a bunch of washed up old-timers living off nostalgia from the '80s". But amazingly, that's not the case with Rage at all; they're the only band I can think of who have had a career that long and NEVER had "down" period, and that makes them all the more incredible. Can you think of any other bands that released one of their best albums 14 albums into their career? And it's not like they had 13 crappy ones before that either.

As far as recommending best albums, that's pretty difficult, since they're basically all really good, and it just depends what style you like the most (as they've moved quite naturally through a variety of styles). My personal favorites would be The Missing Link, Black in Mind, Welcome to the Other Side, Trapped!, Perfect Man, Secrets in a Weird World....ok, I'll stop there before I name them all. In general, I'd say that Unity, Black in Mind, and The Missing Link would all be good places to start, and XIII or Ghosts if you want to hear their orchestral stuff.


Yesssss!! Great to see you around these parts Neil. Agreed with basically everything you say here. Just to add to the RAGE madness, I'll recommend Trapped!, XIII, Perfect Man, Black In Mind, Welcome to the Other Side and The Missing Link as my current favorites. In addtion, some of the big choruses on Unity are flat out catchy as hell. But it's true, you really can't go wrong. I'm so damn excited to these guys get a chance to play over here. Never thought it would happen and I can't thank Glenn enough for his efforts.
