So...Who here has actually seen Pi?


Protector of the Crown
Apr 25, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Great Film. I noticed that the album seems to be based actually *on* the film almost and not JUST on the ideas present in it.. I wont be exact unless asked too mainly because I dont wanna spoil the film for people who have no enjoyed it.
Haven't seen Pi, I am downloading it as we speak tho, will still take some time.

as for Requiem for a Dream, what a stupid fucking movie that was.
Pi was very good, but the much hailed "original style" presented in it was a toned down rehash of the style in the 1989 Japanese experimental film "Testsuo: The Iron Man", which was about a man who gets hit by a car and finds himself thereafter slowly turning into a machine. I'd highly reccomend that bizaare piece of film history to anyone who like the style of Pi.
I have to say The Iron Man was real weird, as was Body Hammer, Japanese are a weird people I tell you, then again, I was rather drunk when I saw that movie, that might affect it too.
I still can't find Body Hammer! I have been looking for it in stores for YEARS! I saw Iron Man years ago, and still immensely enjoy it...
The album is of course not based upon the Pi movie, it's based upon science. But one should probabaly call it "Science through philosophy" and as the Pi movie have a bit of the same nerve it has it's similarities. But it's my own reflection and questionings, I just pointed out the movie Pi as a good way to embrace the texture....for all those who're not intrested in reading tons of related books.

mr V
I got the DVD last friday.
I really like the acting by Sean Gullette (Max) and especially Mark Margolis (Sol). Also, the music, done by Clint Mansell was outstanding.
requiem for a dream, possibly the best film ive ever seen, loved it. AMAZING soundtrack to it, just fits it perfectly and emphasises the moods so well.
i really enjoyed pi when i first saw it years ago... it left me with many unanswered questions, and foremost, it made me think.
however, its been ages since i've seen it, and i'd probably have to watch it again before formulating any distinct commentary.
I have seen Pi several times and still can't get it
but it's very good I have to say
I am not a big fan of complicated movies,but when a movie is good I have to accept it
Frankly, I don´t really care about mathematics either. But I borrowed the movie on DVD from a friend and I found it to be really interesting anyway. It wasn´t what I would call a very good movie but I just couldn´t stop watching it anyway!
I've never seen it myself...but I read an interview with Vintersorg in BW&BK mag where he highly recommends it...and ever since I've been meaning to rent it.