Some Bands To Think About For X!??


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2006
I KNOW X is way off, but here are some AMAZING Prog & Power Metal bands I've discovered on MS in the last year, most are relatively unknown & would be great openetrs for PPUSA. Clearly, not all of them at the same fest. But, here are some bands I think would be good for the fest.:headbang:

Check 'em out if you don't know them by now. I am sure many of you will like most if not all of them.

Sacred Dawn
Thy Majestie
Olympos Mons
Crescent Shield
One Of Sixx
Ynis Vitrin
Crimson Tears
Solar Fragment
Infinity Minus One
Atheme One
Beyond Leviathan
Incrave (formerly EverGrace)
Grand Lux
Seventh Calling
My Disgrace
that was productive. thanks.

How about: Extend the festival one day. Run 12 2-hour shows, every one of them a headliner from previous years.
Start at 3 pm, and go till 2 am each night.

Ugh. I don't relish the thought of ANOTHER day added on. It's already, unofficially, 4 days long. 3 twelve hour days seems like it's getting into those rediculious festivals who put on 30 + bands.
My god, 9 is still a year away, and we're already talking about a lineup for 10? I'd imagine Glenn has some big bash holed up for PP10. :p

Yes, but I am sure Glenn plans way ahead, & since many bands obviously plan tours way in advance. I just thought these are some great bands to play the fest is al.
You're welcome! Sorry in interfere w/your hectic schedule! NOT!

Woah there cowboy. You're a bit riled up, yes? Perhaps you should take your ritalin for children before mom lets you post on the INTARWEB. This isn't myspace, and there's no reason to post 10 times in a row.

Secondly, that response wasn't MEANT for you.
Woah there cowboy. You're a bit riled up, yes? Perhaps you should take your ritalin for children before mom lets you post on the INTARWEB. This isn't myspace, and there's no reason to post 10 times in a row.

Secondly, that response wasn't MEANT for you.

LMAO! Well, it sure appeared to be! & I don't take ritalin! & my mom hasn't had control over what I do since I was in my teens, dude! I never saud it was MS, & I didn't post 10 X's in a row! Maybe the LSD makes it appear that way to ya', I dunno! If so, maybe ya' might wanna think about cutting your dose back to say;...NOTHING?!o_O
Infinity Minus One???? Seriously?

I will admit I haven't heard any new stuff, but what I heard was cringe worthy.

I dunno. I'd never even heard of them at all until recently when they REQ'd me on MS. But, U think their stuff is pretty good. Again, they were just some suggestions is all. & even if not, maybe many people here might not have heard of all these bands, & might like them if they checked them out. I always like to check out new-(er) bands that play the style of Metal I like. :D
All good choices for X...but l say why wait? Put em on the Showcase next year ;)

Thank you! Well, isn't the showcase usually only like 4-5 bands? Well, either way. But, I'd prefer to see them at the fest. I'm lucky I am able to afford even that! If the show wasn't so far away, & if the tix were about even 3/4 of what they are, then we could catch the showcase too. Maybe one year!??