Songs for the end of the world


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well maybe yes, maybe not, but supposedly everything ends in two days.

So let's post songs regarding the end of the world. Either the title or the lyrics must deal with the complete extinction of mankind, destruction of the planet, apocalypse or Metallica doing an album with Justin Bieber :devil:

This is the idea (posting a sound link will help):

'The Day The Earth Caught Fire' original by City Boy and covered at least by Lions Share and Jorn Lande (my favorite).

P.S. Hurry just in case we're not here on the 22!
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Iced Earth - Damien
Iced Earth - I Walk Alone
Crimson Glory - Lucifer's Hammer
Judas Priest - Pestilence And Plague, Death

and... the immortal RJD:
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Theocracy - As the World Bleeds
Final Stage - Game Over
Skid Row - Wasted Time
Megadeth - How the Story Ends, Countdown to Extinction, End Game
Titanic - And the Death Shall Rise
Metallica - Creeping Death
Warmachine - Beginning of the End
Final Stage - As the Empire Falls
Avian - As the World Burns
Black Sabbath - Die Young
When the Empire Falls - The End Of Your Life, Wasted Times, World in Flames
Wolf, Primal Fear - Like half of their songs :p

And lastly: CCR - Bad Moon Rising

If we're still here on Saturday:
Kim Mitchell - Called Off
Helloween - A Tale That Wasn't Right, I'm Alive
My first thoughts on this post, although they weren't exactly apocalyptic...

Armored Saint...

You're Never Alone
Stricken By Fate

Two songs that will leave someone reeling as they suck upon the end of their personal worlds...

Rock on!...or maybe not...!
I said hurry up, but overkilling wasn't in my mind :lol:

@Platinum Maze: nice call, I usually forget that album.

@PM74: Brandon, it's about THE apocalypse, not a bad day. ´Die Young' and specially 'Creeping Death' (that's from the Bible, but Exodus, not the Revelations) are not in the idea.

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Just spoke with my aunt in Australia where it's already December 21st. She said, "fire is falling from the sky, the dead are rising, acid instead of water flows from their taps, and worst of all: Justin Beiber is on TV! Just kidding!"
Not strictly on the main idea (but it seems everybody has deviate so...) but I always have found this song both a staple of doom and classy sci-fi lyrics

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So this is the other side?

Not really. A deeper research showed the calculations were wrong or a year, according to this quote:

13 the Beast is Rising,
The Frenchman did surmise,
Through earthquakes and starvation,
The Warlord will arise,
Terror, Death, Destruction,
Pour from the Eastern sands,
But the truth of all predictions,
Is always in your hands.

So actually is going to happen on Dec 21, 2013.

Our apologies for any inconvenience this may caused.

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