Songs of Moors and Misty Fields


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'm assuming everyone surely has this album by now.

Pulled this out from the shelf -- been collecting dust since last Autumn -- and just reconfirmed how fucking incredible this album is. Quite possibly top 5 of all time. The fact is, the album transcends the seasons. Listen to this and any day becomes an Autumn day.

The material on this album ages so well, it sounds better now than ever. This is better than ANYTHING else that falls in the same ballpark* (Empyrium >> Agalloch, yeah I said it before and I'll say it again), so anyway, there is indeed a reason why I gave it a 10/10 but now I'd say it's worth an 11. :loco:

*Disclaimer: I don't include Weiland or Where at Night... since that's a complete departure from anything remotely metal, although they're both 10/10 too.
JayKeeley said:
Pulled this out from the shelf -- been collecting dust since last Autumn -- and just reconfirmed how fucking incredible this album is.

It's Agalloch weather, so what do you expect? :D

Yeah, basically this album is Empyrium's best take on nature mystics, although I'd argue that "Weiland" is a more potent musical venture and "Where at Night..." ultimately cradles their most heartrending stuff ever. Empyrium have never been close to top 5 for me, but when I'm in this special mood, there's no band I'd pick over them, not even Agalloch.
I still say Wintersunset is the better album. Amazing stuff.

Haven't heard their last two yet. Yes, JayK, I finally got some Empyrium while you were on hiatus.
Ellestin said:
Yeah, basically this album is Empyrium's best take on nature mystics, although I'd argue that "Weiland" is a more potent musical venture and "Where at Night..." ultimately cradles their most heartrending stuff ever.

JayKeeley said:
*Disclaimer: I don't include Weiland or Where at Night... since that's a complete departure from anything remotely metal, although they're both 10/10 too.


Empyrium have never been close to top 5 for me, but when I'm in this special mood, there's no band I'd pick over them, not even Agalloch.

Yep. I'm not even sure I would compare the two to be honest, but at the end of the day, we're talking "Autumnal Metal". With that goes the likes of Drudkh etc. When all is said and done, Empyrium's "Songs..." wins hands down against the world as we know it.
i never even listen to wintersunset, those keyboards are almost as bad as nokturnal mortEm.

oh and the mantle is the only album close to 10/10 for autumn. :Spin:
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pale folklore is a perfectly okay album with some real dodgy moments. [EDIT in 2021: WRONG!]

the mantle = magic. MAAAAAAAAAGIC i say.
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Pale Folklore/OSWP>Wintersunset>Songs of Moors>>>>The Mantle

....for autumnal stuff. listened to The Mantle the other day and I think I fell asleep, because I can't remember anything about it.

October Falls s really good, too, but I can really only listen to OF late at night
I've become fairly disillusioned with metal recently. The only thing that seems worthwhile, and the only bands that have any longevity in terms of their appeal to me seem to be my 3 favourite bands: Empryium, Agalloch, and In The Woods. Most other things in my collection can only offer a superficial, short term enjoyment. And this album remains at the very top of my list when it comes to favourite albums ever. I can't be bothered listening to new bands and spending hours reading reviews, downloading tracks etc. because I feel like nothing is ever going to top the albums which I currently hold in the highest esteem, of which this is one.
Doom said:
I've become fairly disillusioned with metal recently. The only thing that seems worthwhile, and the only bands that have any longevity in terms of their appeal to me seem to be my 3 favourite bands: Empryium, Agalloch, and In The Woods. Most other things in my collection can only offer a superficial, short term enjoyment. And this album remains at the very top of my list when it comes to favourite albums ever. I can't be bothered listening to new bands and spending hours reading reviews, downloading tracks etc. because I feel like nothing is ever going to top the albums which I currently hold in the highest esteem, of which this is one.

So true :(
Yeah, getting disillusioned once in a while is a good thing. It's a natural way to refresh and hit that restart button. We all go through it.

Thing is for me, I've got 20 years of listening to metal under my belt, so to say that "Songs of Moors..." is top 5 of all time says something (at least to me). For all the albums I've heard, there is "great" and then there is "magical". "Songs of Moors" is pure magic all the way. It hits me in the right spot: somewhere between my chode and knobend.
I totally see what you are saying. I am making a strong effort to limit my purchases to albums I feel will offer something many, many listens down the road. I'm still loving Skyclad, just found Empyrium and October Falls, will soon have Gjallarhorn, and the only albums I'm really looking forward to are established enjoyable acts.

That being said, is this Tenhi worth it?
Tenhi, the band in general. It seems EMpyrium is always praised much, much more. And what is this Naervaer?
I think he means the band in general. Yes J if you like october falls get kauan. The album after that vare is alittle different.

Edit : Naervaer is...well they're alittle out there. The singer from in the woods... is on a couple of songs. They play some kind of campfirey songs with quite a unique atmosphere. Not sure if you will like them.