
Speaking of Hackett.....i just read that he will be re-recording "Supper's Ready" in collaboration with Mikael Ackerfeldt (Opeth). Should be quite interesting. :)
Of course not.....just a different version. Many bands do remakes of songs, but it doesn't mean that they're trying to improve the song....they either want to pay tribute to the band or create a more modern version of a classic.
If I could whisper in Mr. Hackett's ear I would suggest he direct his energy to working on a new studio album of original material. I suppose tribute albums have their place in the world but often they smack of money grab. Unless something radically different is being done to the source material I find these things to be good for one listen for curiosities sake and always find my way back to the original. Since Hackett is revisiting material he shared part of the creative vision in composing the first time around I can't imagine he can improve upon something like "Supper's Ready". YMMV.