

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2001
I hereby announce that I won´t leave this forum because people are throwing with their own shit in my direction. Some of you mentioned that they either don´t understand what I am talking about (This phenomenon occured since day one. Strange :Smug:.) or are offended by some strange post. Some posts might trigger something in you, like the "what makes you feel deranged"-thread. Sorry for this, sorry for nothing else. I really detest the shit that was going on in the last two days and I hope that it ends with the "administration" of the official modo-trio. I am going to decrease the amount of not superficial posts in the future. For the next weeks I am out of it.

Happy New Year and a good night :headbang:
Unbelievable, isn't it Frodnat? They can't handle the writing i posted, it's too much for them, they're horrified of the content because they're such pussies! Then the next thing you know, we're having a civilized discussion that has nothing to do with them and they're AGAIN, terrified of the content!
Tell me, do all you people who've got some kinda problem still live with MOMMIE? Does she still do your laundry? Cook your foodie? Change your dyppie? Does daddy still tuck you in?

Frodnat, do you see now WHY I post writing like that? They are SOOOO EASY!!! Hahahahahaaaaa! So easy to disturb, so easy to upset, it's just too irresistable and too fuckin' funny!

Donkho, Teach me! my friend! pour all your AMAZING WISDOM and incredible ammount of LIFE EXPERIENCE down on all of us, JESUS. AMEN!

In FACT , D, why don't you mind your own fucking business and stay out of conversations and threads that offend you, FFS!!!!
nomana-nuniyan said:
Unbelievable, isn't it Frodnat? They can't handle the writing i posted, it's too much for them, they're horrified of the content because they're such pussies! Then the next thing you know, we're having a civilized discussion that has nothing to do with them and they're AGAIN, terrified of the content!
Tell me, do all you people who've got some kinda problem still live with MOMMIE? Does she still do your laundry? Cook your foodie? Change your dyppie? Does daddy still tuck you in?

Frodnat, do you see now WHY I post writing like that? They are SOOOO EASY!!! Hahahahahaaaaa! So easy to disturb, so easy to upset, it's just too irresistable and too fuckin' funny!

Yes Trona it is obvious. You like to offend other people to get hurt by them!

Don´t understand me wrong. You are a nice person, especially when you are not in mood of starting a fight, but trona get rid of these extreme emotions they aren´t good for anything, sorry to say this. Otherwise you would never leave this circle you are in. Ben is just one part of this circle. It is sad, that you can´t do it without.

And it isn´t funny to trigger other people. You know the trigger so show some responsibility, by not using it to offend other people. It hurts you know, that´s the problem. You will always get the same reactions by behaving in this way. It is a kind of selffulfilling prophecy.

You are right that there were some assholes in here. People that don´t tolerate that others are a little bit more free in mind than others. These people constrain themselves and others. They don´t have the right to insult others only because they don´t like the way someone posts or thinks.

And by the way, even a person who was not affected in his childhood would be horrified by some things you posted!!!

Calm down a little bit. O.K. The war is over since many years.:err:
huh? I don't get hurt, frod. You're way off with me. And don't think you can understand me, k? You really have no idea; just 'cause we've got similar things doesn't make us react to life the same way. You really don't know what I think. It's not a formula we plug into. Plus here, it's a game, 'sept when it comes to defending peeps like you who need it. You're fragile.

Let me restate, some people can hurt me like Ben and he does, my husband can. Who else? What? people here.....? ;) hardly

Don't get me wrong frod, but LIFE is a trigger and your memories aren't sacred. Neither are mine. You'd better let go of protecting them from getting battered because they are going to more than you're ever gonna believe they could right now.

Horrification is life and there are much bigger things to worry about besides our own shit. It's great talking about it but it's not precious and there are no answers or formulas. There is NO real healing. Life scars and no one recovers, no big deal, it's the same for everyone. Everything continues to wiz by........
This is why i really don't understand what these people's problem is with a discussion. It really got them riled up! What the fuck? I have no idea. Scared of everything, I guess.
nomana-nuniyan said:
huh? I don't get hurt, frod. You're way off with me. And don't think you can understand me, k? You really have no idea; just 'cause we've got similar things doesn't make us react to life the same way. You really don't know what I think. It's not a formula we plug into. Plus here, it's a game, 'sept when it comes to defending peeps like you who need it. You're fragile.

Let me restate, some people can hurt me like Ben and he does, my husband can. Who else? What? people here.....? ;) hardly

Don't get me wrong frod, but LIFE is a trigger and your memories aren't sacred. Neither are mine. You'd better let go of protecting them from getting battered because they are going to more than you're ever gonna believe they could right now.

Horrification is life and there are much bigger things to worry about besides our own shit. It's great talking about it but it's not precious and there are no answers or formulas. There is NO real healing. Life scars and no one recovers, no big deal, it's the same for everyone. Everything continues to wiz by........
This is why i really don't understand what these people's problem is with a discussion. It really got them riled up! What the fuck? I have no idea. Scared of everything, I guess.
Call me what you want. I am not what you think. Protect yourself from your extreme emotions first. You are still generalzing and as I said the life is even better when it doesn´t feel like a battle :err:. You are playing a game that´s outcome is destruction... :erk:

I know what you mean with they are going beyond a certain point and I also see who did... But what can I do about it, I can´t stop them!

Good luck and good bye.
And there's a lot of truth in Trona's posts too, but she's too extreme, so it seems she might say things she doesn't really mean just for the sake of fighting back.

But of course, the other side's full of shit, haha. The difference is, they are mere provocateurs and laugh their cocks off, while the offended get hurt.

And oh, again, I think I'm sooooo clever :D
eh, its kinda obvious that the only problem with us that a specific gay arab doesnt like us - and he has some friends too.. thats all. nothing more. its only personal. but using a whole band, its name, power (Anathema) for this ugly war is sad. pitiful indeed..
OR IS IT FUNNY? oh yeah, its funnny.. dont take it serious, hahaha, LOLOLOL :D ..err..
Dhatura said:
I'm actually glad our Father isn't involved :)
We will never get to know this year cause he wasn´t here :Smug:. Our father :puke: ?!!

Mehdi crossed a line twice, ******* and he will do it in the future.