Stoner Rock for the Summer -- any recommendations?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'll kick this off with WOLFMOTHER. Seriously good, now that the sun's shining and the chicks are wearing shorter skirts.

And fucken cool artwork too:


Check the site for samples of "Unicorn". :kickass: <- no kidding

Oh yeah, anyone know where I can buy the SIENNA ROOT album (US distro)?
My assistant recommended Wolfmother to me, haven't heard yet. Will check out.

I've been listening to Sleep's Holy Mountain and Colour Haze - Periscope a lot lately. It's hard to go wrong with Queens and Kyuss though, I mean I listen to them a lot during the winter even.

Have you heard Colour Haze yet? I can't imagine anyone not pooping themselves over them.
I have heard ColoUr Haze but it was one of those "throw it on in the background" moments -- I'll revisit.

Where can I buy Sienna Root???? Neither Hellride Music or stock the fucker.
I just realized that over the past 15 years or so hot weather = Primus weather. I don't know why, they just fit for sweaty shitz, and I'm just now realizing it.
oh totally, I just busted out frizzle fry yesterday for like the first time this year, and have been lugging danzig 1 - 4 around n the car for when the mood strikes.
Firebird, Bill Steer's band.
No. 3 is pretty good, but I'm still waiting for him to get his mojo really running in the stoner side of things. I have really high expectations of the dude though, he was my favorite 6-slinger for many years.

Vintage Vinyl had this for $9.99. I was about to buy it, and asked the guy at the counter if he heard it. He said he had an open one I could listen to. I did. It sucked. Saved $10. Yay me.

ACID KING - Busse Woods
SLEEP - anything

I'm a bit _____ right now and listening to "Holy Mtn"
No, you guys are DEAD WRONG about Wolfmother, no shit. Or at least, just listen to the "unicorn" song playing on their website. Total Led Zep worship with Hammond Organ and Sabbath/Iommi riffs.

The best part is that the vocalist is INCREDIBLE. You can tell he's a "real" singer, in that he's probably had singing lessons etc. Really good range and control.

Awesome release, production is spot on. I just need to go buy it now. :heh: