Strato suggestions from the masses...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Let's say that you were making a sampler, and you wanted 6 songs that best represented Stratovarius...

What would they be?

Rock on!
so you can download them? lol

I would pick any 6 from visions which is the only album I like from them...
The kiss of judas
Hunting High and low
Playing with fire
Black Diamond
Mother Gaia
In order of how they'd appear on CD ...

01. Hunting High and Low
02. Black Diamond
03. I'm Still Alive
04. We Hold the Key
05. The Hands of Time
06. Forever

It's hard to pick six, but I believe these songs would give someone a good idea of what Stratovarius is about, from the early stuff to the new stuff.
Father Time
Will the Sun Rise?
The Kiss of Judas
Black Diamond
4000 Rainy Nights
Hunting High and Low
Glory of the World
Soul of a Vagabond
I Walk to My Own Song
Here are my choices for their older and newer stuff. I tried to include a good mix - ballads, and different styles.

Older Stuff
We Hold the Key
Black Diamond
Visions (Southern Cross)
4000 Rainy Nights

Newer stuff:
Hunting High and Low
Soul of a Vagabond
BlindPanzer said:
so you can download them? lol

Thanks for the smart-ass comment...I appreciate that...

For the record, I own the entire catalog (and then some) no bootlegging going on here...

Every year for PPUSA, I make 2 sampler CDs of PPUSA material to get us stoked for the show. Seeing as how I'm dicking around in my home office today, I've started spinning tunes from the different bands to get a list of songs going for my samplers.

Basically, it ends up being (per disc): 3 songs each (headliners), 2 songs each (3rd slots), and 1 or 2 songs each (openers). Obviously this amount can change due to song lengths, my fondness for particular bands, etc.

Anyway...sitting here spinning Strato is pretty I thought I would take the question to the masses...

I've seen some very good responses thus far (except yours, BlindPanzer)...most of which are right in line with my thinking...

Narrowing is the hard part...and judging from the reponses I've had that list more than 6's hard for others as well...

Just a little glimpse into my obsessive/compulsive world when it comes to this show...

Rock on!
I would keep anything from the last 2 albums the fuck away from any "best of strato" compilation.

Heres a suggestion:

Forever Free
Black Diamond
Father Time
Will the Sun Rise?
Speed of Light
Against the Wind
ashaman7122 said:
Thanks for the smart-ass comment...I appreciate that...

For the record, I own the entire catalog (and then some) no bootlegging going on here...

Every year for PPUSA, I make 2 sampler CDs of PPUSA material to get us stoked for the show. Seeing as how I'm dicking around in my home office today, I've started spinning tunes from the different bands to get a list of songs going for my samplers.

Basically, it ends up being (per disc): 3 songs each (headliners), 2 songs each (3rd slots), and 1 or 2 songs each (openers). Obviously this amount can change due to song lengths, my fondness for particular bands, etc.

Anyway...sitting here spinning Strato is pretty I thought I would take the question to the masses...

I've seen some very good responses thus far (except yours, BlindPanzer)...most of which are right in line with my thinking...

Narrowing is the hard part...and judging from the reponses I've had that list more than 6's hard for others as well...

Just a little glimpse into my obsessive/compulsive world when it comes to this show...

Rock on!

I'm glad to see there is someone else on thie Earth that enjoys making CD compilations like this! :D
Oakenson said:
I'm glad to see there is someone else on thie Earth that enjoys making CD compilations like this! :D

Well...I have a huge collection...I spend a lot of time on the road in my I'm always making various compilations just to keep things fresh...

I know that there are others like me out there...(freaks?)...just not in my area...haha!

Rock on!
Destiny (is a must hands down)
We Hold the Key
Twilight Time
Dreamscape or Reign of Terror
I Walk to My Own Song
Hunting High and Low
Before the Winter
Will The Sun Rise
Forever Free
Anthem of the World
The Kiss of Judas
ashaman7122 said:
Well...I have a huge collection...I spend a lot of time on the road in my I'm always making various compilations just to keep things fresh...

I know that there are others like me out there...(freaks?)...just not in my area...haha!

Rock on!

I have over 600 cd's, 200 cassettes, and a couple dozen LPs, and for me compilations are the way to go. There are a lot of albums with many "filler" songs that really do nothing for me. With compilations every track is a jammer.
Hey ashaman, Im just as bad as you man. Since I dont play real cds in my truck (got broken into twice and once they stole my console of cd-rs. If that had been real cds.... I would be in jail cos I would have gone on a muderering spree) I make cd-rs. The way I make em is usually one band on one disc and make it like a pseudo live show. Two or three really strong openers (usually from whatever album is newest), one mid paced tune, maybe a ballad or two and I close with the "encores". Im also anal to the point where if a band has two distinct eras (Kiske - Deris) I make two seperate cd-rs for each era.

Example: Sonata

first two songs are Misplaced and Aint Your Fairytale followed by San Sebastian (original version) and The Cage. Sing in Silence is next then its Blank File. Dont Say a Word comes up then and then its Victorias Secret. Anyways, hoorah go through that and I close with Wolf and Raven, UnOpened and Full Moon.

Damn now thats anal.

yeah, I'll be making a compilation to get me pumped on the trip to Atlanta as well. As Wayland said, Destiny is definitely a must.
I lost $3,000.00 worth of imports in one cd case alone from some fu__ing scum bag who probably just threw them away because they weren't the fu__ing Blackeyed Peas. I make lots of compilations now. By the way, this Dionysus cd I'm listening to is pretty damn good.
Yep, ever since my brand-new CD changer was professionally stolen 6 days after it was installed (moral: NEVER pay for stereo installation at a Circuit City store when your address can be traced), it's CD-Rs or duplicate CDs only, out in my car. I lost ten CDs and one has proven to be completely irreplaceable. Never again.

Thanks for the Strato suggestions -- I own part of their catalog, and will probably need to pick a song or two to play on WREKage this Friday to commemorate their booking for PPUSA. :headbang: