Strato suggestions from the masses...

Daybreaker said:
Hey ashaman, Im just as bad as you man. Since I dont play real cds in my truck (got broken into twice and once they stole my console of cd-rs. If that had been real cds.... I would be in jail cos I would have gone on a muderering spree) I make cd-rs. The way I make em is usually one band on one disc and make it like a pseudo live show. Two or three really strong openers (usually from whatever album is newest), one mid paced tune, maybe a ballad or two and I close with the "encores". Im also anal to the point where if a band has two distinct eras (Kiske - Deris) I make two seperate cd-rs for each era.

Example: Sonata

first two songs are Misplaced and Aint Your Fairytale followed by San Sebastian (original version) and The Cage. Sing in Silence is next then its Blank File. Dont Say a Word comes up then and then its Victorias Secret. Anyways, hoorah go through that and I close with Wolf and Raven, UnOpened and Full Moon.

Damn now thats anal.


That's right, Ben! What the hell is wrong with you???


Just kidding...

Rock on!