Symphonic Metal...?


In Need of Self-Discovery
May 24, 2002
Frederick MD
Anyone out there appreciate the line of symphonic metal? I really am fond of Apocalyptica, but that's not just kicks ass. Stuff like Therion, Tristania, Burzum, Bolt Thrower, Bathory...(those last two symphonic? I'm fairly uneducated). I've grown up with classical on the piano and learned to love metal and when these are thrown together you get some seriously crazy shit!
one word: Rhapsody. Symphony of Enchanted Lands is incredible. And of course Symphony X are amazing. "V" is a masterpiece.

Not sure about your list though...Bolt Thrower?
symphony X are superb.

utilising extra instruments normally associated with classical music is great.. borknagar, although more like black metal, have a nice line in such business, with some great piano tomfoolery.

I often think it would be a good idea to create a proper metal orchestra, with all the elemental of a real orchestra ,but with 4 drummers, 10 guitarist, 6 bassist, however many vocalists.. it woudl prove ineresesting to use metal elements to make a more classically arranged piece.

has this happened?> am i missing out?
Some studio orchestrations try to re-create a metal symphonic sound by multi-layering guitars, basses etc. Blind Guardian do it all the time.

A really good example that you probably own is Metallica's "Orion".
Symphonic Metal - Webster's...
Joking, symphonic metal is like using the elements of a string symphony together with guitar to produce a distorted symphonical sound. Vocals, bass and drums go into it as well, i just emphasize the guitar because guitar spells M-E-T-A-L in my eyes. Apocalyptica is a group composed of four cello players with some integrated percussion, it's absoloutely awesome...just not metal.
the concept to my is wrong.

symphonic metal should be symphonic structures played with metal instruments. but now symphonic metal is power or death or black with an orchestra in the background.

for example, folk metal is folk played as metal with one or two instruments playing along with the music.

do you see my point?
Dragonlord touts themselves as Progressive Symphonic Black Metal.

I don't know about all that, but they're awesome.

Check it out, their officially hosted here.
Forget Therion. Get Hollenthon's two releases "Domus Mundi" and "With Vilest of Worms to Dwell". Hollenthon are what Therion would sound liek if they didn't try so hard to be over-the-top with the classical arrangements.

Hollenthon is your best bet. Thank me later
I'll have to second the recommendation of Winds "Reflections of the I".
Therion also uses classical orchestration an operatic voices to good effect. If you haven't already checked out Voivin, Secret of the Runes and Theli.

Rhapsody is also very symphonic to the point of coopting classical pieces ie the last track on Rain of A thosand Flames is based on a something written by Dvork(sp).

Symphony X is first class and all thier CD's are worth checking out. The best from best to least are Divine Wings of Tragedy, Twightlight in Olympus, V, Damnation Game and their S/T release.

I checked out some therion, bleh i only like one song, rise of soddom and gemhorra...other stuff is whacked out. looked at some angra, its ok. I hope to find some symphony x and rhapsody, they both sound awesome. I'll definitely find some hollenthon tho, awesome...