Symphony X fans rock.

inbetween, me, gentlemen_of_the_snow, jax, noah, Beezle, Tubbs, MrFast, J Dubya, SNow Maker, Ptah, matt, greenaxer and the one and only silent realm. I think we have a pretty solid fan base. I think symphony x fans are pretty hardcore for the most part, keep it up guitar noobs!

BTW since Dt and Symp X kinda share fans neither fan base is stronger, however most dt fans dislike the fantast stylings of X...and alot of the X fans dislike the real-time stylings of dt... In the end it comes down to Nightwish VS Operatika actually. (lol i know the dt vs symphony x comment was a joke...but who cares eh>
proulxski said:
inbetween, me, gentlemen_of_the_snow, jax, noah, Beezle, Tubbs, MrFast, J Dubya, SNow Maker, Ptah, matt, greenaxer and the one and only silent realm. I think we have a pretty solid fan base. I think symphony x fans are pretty hardcore for the most part, keep it up guitar noobs!

Waaaaay more people than the 13 you mentioned post on the forum as well as listen to Symphony X. :lol: