Thanksgiving Thread


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
Alright. Who's going to their annoying aunt's house, getting drunk and terrorizing little cousins/nieces/nephews?

Happy thanksgiving, GMD!

Going to my sister's up in Reading, MA with my parents. We're cooking the turkey here then bringing it over there. We have plenty of wine and that's all that matters to me.
My family is awesome, but a few in my small circle of friends are being douches. I already hate this holiday, so hopefully things get better from here on out. I've already had a few awkward phone calls, and all I wanted to do was with these people a happy Thanksgiving.

Fuck it.
Forsooth! Ye most delectable of fowl be'ith that which ye hunt'eth thineself! Let it be track'eth'd and stalk'eth'd for days on end! Let it baste in ye bloode of it's own fears! Let it be slain by thine own hand!
Verily, that be'ith ye way of a true warrior!

However, this knight's preference of gravies be'ith from Campbell's, and presente'thd in a sphere OF METAL!

This post now concludeth!
I also had Thanksgiving in Florida. It's gonna be hell returning to the cold tomorrow.
O hai ethnic genocide let's eat turkey to celebrate yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy.
The holiday doesn't have a lot to do with the genocide. In fact, the colonies that were helped by the natives weren't the ones that committed the genocide. That happened much later.