The black/death/bestial/war metal thread


Some of the 2019 war metal on my radar lately, especially Pigs Blood's new stuff, I think the album just dropped actually.

Yeah good shit, totally took me by surprise because the whole layout looks kinda lazy/bedroom noizy-esque but it crushes. I also really like Eggs of Gomorrh for its strange dissonent riffing style, reminds me of Khthoniik Cerviiks who are for me maybe my favourite black/death band. Spiraling cosmic war metal:

Checking out Nyogthaeblisz right now, don't think I've ever heard of these guys but this is immense! There's so much feedback, the riffs and vocals are drenched in battery acid or some shit.

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Yeah, their actual recorded output is basically unlistenable noise (which, to me = awesome) but they definitely shine in their live performances. I saw them back in 2015. Crushing shit.
Unlistenable/unpalatable in the same way that Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes is, sortakinda. Except the brutality with them is the drumming which is fucking headache inducing at times.

I don't think I could handle seeing bands like this live, seems masochistic!
Haha yeah, that first one was the epitome of unlistenably great. Like taking a fucking razor blade to the brain.
Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes have apparently finally unleashed their debut full length, nothing is uploaded online yet though.