the fuck happened to frantic bleep?


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
Been listening to The Senses Apparatus a lot lately and it got me to thinking: what the hell happened to these guys? I remember a lot of line-up changes a few years ago, then nothing. Anyone know anything?

And for those unaware of this band, check them out right now! One of the best albums of '05 easily! I am sure at least a few people will back me here.
100% agreed, awesome album, love it.

No idea where they went either, though...I stopped checking for updates months ago.
Hard to describe. Mostly prog (remember, this is coming from someone who greatly dislikes prog), but they are much darker and heavier than most prog, have a good number of ambient passages, very sparing usage of harsh vocals (which truth be told aren't that good, but add a good layer to the mix anyway). Technically proficient, nice riffs and leads, not many solos that i remember, very worthwhile. Quite frankly, i can hear a good deal of elements in the music that i generally don't like, but they fit together with this band really well.

Here's a few of my personal favorites:

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