the heaviest song of all time


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
what do you guys think is the heaviest song of all time? emotionally, viscerally, whatever, what song leaves you with the biggest "holy shit that was fucking intense" feeling?

my vote goes to "eleanor rigby"
IOfTheStorm said:
He wrote "Burzum - Crying Orc"

Man you definitely didn't get enough hugs as a kid.

I wasn't hiding which song I chose, just saying that theres so damn many that I can't pinpoint just one.

Yes, I said Burzum - The Crying Orc.
Isis - Carry

probably 'cause I was actually listening to this upon reading of this post, but strangely enough it seems more than fitting for an answer - until I come up with something heavier, that is...
Ellestin said:
Isis - Carry

probably 'cause I was actually listening to this upon reading of this post, but strangely enough it seems more than fitting for an answer - until I come up with something heavier, that is...

"Vulture" :loco: