The new Ayreon album leaked

It's probably more along the lines of a mellower ItEC. There's less of a straightforward storyline like THE but you get the theme of the album pretty easily. Hell, the binary title should give you an idea on that.
Some Points.

-Jorn is heavily used on the CD, and for a damn good reason. :)
-It seems as though a different singer is singing practically every other line
- Arjens directing of the singing is slightly weird, he's getting most of the singers to have a particular sound to their voice
- the lyrics made me laugh...I think it's a good lyrical concept overall, but the lack of distinct story puts it behind the Human equation for me..
- There are less heavy parts on this CD, but when they come they are good. Really not very many "Riffs" as it were, i.e. 14 - Pride
- There's ending, despite being reasonably epic, is no Day 20.
- He is using the same sort of melodies as before, not exactly the same, some tracks have new unique things which give it the progression it required i.e. oriental scales on track 2 Comatose
- Production is better than ever before
I'll keep this short. I love The Human Equation, but it took me a while. Not sure why, but I do recognize it for the genius it is.

Having said that, the new album, well...I'm listening to it obsessively. I don't care about 'fully utilizing' the singers, or whatever. I don't buy Ayreon albums for the singers - they're gonna be great; that's a given. I buy it for the whole package. And some of Arjen's musical ideas on this album are stunning. Has he reinvented himself or the music? No. Has he brought some brilliant melodies and such? Yep. In spades.

I very, very rarely listen to the same album over and over. Almost never. But I've listened to this everyday for the last two weeks, I think.

I broke down and listened. I'm buying it for my collection to go with all the other Ayreons, and his other projects so I don't care. I like it. It didn't blow me away like HE at first listen, but I enjoy it a lot. It feels a lot like some of the older Migrator albums to me in places, mostly in that it doesn't flow cleanly to me. I'm only in for a few listens at this point, so maybe it will all click. In fact, I'm going to listen to it right after the Kamelot I'm jamming to finishes. I consider it a buy.