The Official Movie Thread

Watch this last night ...
s-l960.webp thing ive seen from Hulu so far. Really liked it.

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I was thinking about good sequels to cult classics, like Bride of Re-Animator, Predator 2, Return of the Living Dead 3, RoboCop 2 etc. Wondering if anybody knows of other sequels worth seeing in a similar vein? I've heard good things about The Fly 2, Gremlins 2, Candyman 2, I've heard bad things about The Crow 2, Scanners 2...
Ghoulies 2 and short circuit 2 are both better than the originals. Gremlins 2 is awesome, i like the fly 2 and scanners 2 (and 3) are dumb fun. Also a fan of Pet Semetary 2.....all the death wish sequels
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Is the original It worth checking out? I was about to opt it on but noticed its 3+ hours long :erk:
I'm a fan. But like cig said, it was a 2 part mini series. So it aired in a 2 hour time slot on like nbc across 2 nights. So factor in commercials and it was like an hour and a half each night. It's pretty tame, 1990 + network television, but i do think it's worth checking out.
I come home one day and the house is empty, and I mean completely empty. She even took the ice cube trays out of the freezer. What kind of a sick bitch takes the ICE CUBE trays out of the FREEZER!?

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