The Pimp Newly Discovered (by You) Bands Thread


Apr 8, 2006
Bluffton, SC
So I'll start off with one band that I just somehow ran across at the beginning of the weekend and that I can't stop listening to.

They would be Sybreed from Switzerland. I have to say WOW! I've been needing a band exactly like this for several months now and I found them completely by accident. I already went out and bought their albums Antares and Slave Design. woot.

Another one that I'd like to pimp is a local New York band that I caught at a cd release show for Hung (btw, Progeny is a seriously kickass CD. Go get it!). They would be Resolution 15...another band with a violin player... ...except there's no guitars!!! They kicked my ass live and I had to pick up their album.

Please share your own newly discovered gems. Let's keep this going for a while.
Ethereal Architect...prog metal out of Austin, TX. They released their debut Dissension last year but l only picked up on it earlier this year.

Liquid Horizon...prog metal from Germany. Released their 2nd cd...Revolutions... last year which l just got this year. Their 1st full length Urban Legends was released in '05...somehow that slipped under my radar.

Sacrum...prog metal from Argentina. Cognition released earlier this year. If you like Ray'll like Sacrum's singer.
Coronatus is sounding pretty awesome! Definitely for fans of Tarja's vocals.

All German singing, but still quite enjoyable.

The album "Lux Noctis" has 11 songs.
Three English:
2. The Scream Of The Butterfly
5. My Rose Desire
7. Hot & Cold

Three Instrumental:
1. Interrotte Speranze (Intro)
6. Winter
10. In Remembrance

Five German:
3. Silberlicht
4. Dunkle Blume
8. Requiem Tabernam
9. Ich Atme Zeit
11. Volles Leben

The End has sound clips to all here: