The "Which GMD member would you want to have your back in a fight?" Thread


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
Thread title is straightforward. I've had a few beers. LET'S DO THIS

My posse:


Krig would probably grind someones face in the dirt with his mountain bike and then sing a rousing tune about the victory. I second Krig.
Krig could probably disarm the attacker with his positive outlook on life and contagious smile, as well.
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If you need a guy with a rifle from a distance....

I definitely want Danny (sloughfegkillers) by my side wearing his Conqueror hoodie and camo pants looking tough as fuck.

But yeah, when I get a few in me I can get kinda intense. Ask Andy or Guy about the time during Asphyx when this huge dude was being a dick in the pit and I just rammed my elbow into his face until he left.
Mike it would be an honour to fight along side you comrade.
Man I would've paid good money to see you politely elbow some huge guy in the face until he left!
I'm too old for that now lol being nearly 40 but I guess in my younger days,I got in heaps of scraps and my old man was a boxer and I did jujitsu.I didn't lose too many and never fought anyone younger or smaller than myself.
Pessimism. IIRC he fought off three guys with knives if the story is to be believed.
Cool, im not too far behind at 31. I try to keep myself away from all that bullshit nowadays but i still find myself getting into a good scrap here and there. I basically grew up in a boxing gym(Villa Park, Pasadena, CA). Injuries have took their tole on me though. :( But still, if anyone disrespect me in person, they're getting put to sleep ... regardless of the judicial outcome.

edit: I actually just got off of probation for flattening out some guys face just a few years back. Which isnt something to really brag about, but the guy def deserved it ... he was one of those guys that would have probably got stoned to death by the local village by every single person, including his parents lol.
i would get hamburgerboy and sentinelslain.

Team of Ultimate Badasses