This room : too tiny ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I'm searching for a nicer place for me to live in Porto, and as I was visiting a place with 2 bedrooms, with one not furnished, I had the idea of making it my music/recording room.

I visited this particular place, but this room is actually quite tiny. I can't give you a very precise figure because I didn't really care when I visited it, and realized later on I could make it my audio room.

Here is a picture, I think it's like 2.5m wide, for 4 or 5 meters of length. So say only 25 to 30 cube meters.


The chair gives you an idea of its size. The monitors (probably my HS80m if I can get them to come here) would certainly be close to the walls on either side.

The window is doubled and quite well insulated, and the street is quiet (I have seen a car pass in the street, and it was almost quiet) thanks to the fact it's a little one and there are all those trees.

Now this is not to build a pro studio there, but as I am a noob into treatment and acoustics, is there an absolute minimum if you don't want to end up with an absolute garbage sound ? I just wanted your advice quickly to know if that would possibly have the potential of sounding correct if treated properly.

From what I understand, small = bass right ? At least it's symmetrical, is not a cube, and there aren't 2 dimensions with the same value. But it is... tiny !
Uh... That's pretty damn small. Your low end would probably be all over the fucking place...
I recently bought a unit and have my studio in a 2.9 by 4.5 and it sounds pretty decent. I'm using Event 20/20's which are 7 inch and it's working much better than I expected. As someone else mentioned you will want to mix quiet especially when working on the bass frequencies. With a good pair of 5 inch monitors I think it will be fine. And it looks like you've got a nice view and good natural light from the window, I reckon it looks alright.

I can even cram 3 other friends in here for weekend drinking and jamming.
What about filtering the bass at maximum on my Yam backpanel switches, and treating the room in the corners with decent bass traps (plus the usual suspects everywhere intelligent in the room) ? Wouldn't it be usable ? Why use smaller monitors as opposed to Equing some bass out ? What would be my options in good quality monitors in that field (it would be sad cheating on my HS80m but if it's a necessity). I mix often on cans anyway because I'm used to changing place all the time, or to having unorthodox setups (like asymetrical rooms in a rent-hotel etc) but I'd like an inspirational place well set up.

This is not the only apartment available but on all other aspects it's a nice one, having a room dedicated 100% to music is not a priority but if it could work that could be a nice plus
I'm finding it hard to make mixing decisions at high volumes in my new place. I found in my old rental property which had an enormous room about triple the size I could mix very loud without the sound bouncing off the walls, but in my new place i can hear the mix changing a lot as i push the volume. The biggest change comes from the bass frequencies and I find certain notes from the bass guitars booming or disappearing the louder I go. You might be ok filtering the bass with the hs80, but I don't have much experience with them so I couldn't say. I will say that pushing a speaker hard can show you things about a mix and it is fun too, and you will have a hard time pushing an 8 inch in a room that smaller I think. Maybe bass checks can be done in headphones and you can mix low on the HS80s.

I haven't heard the equator d5s but they seem to get amazing reviews, maybe they are a good idea?
Just checked and they might be a good idea wherever I end up because it's not gonna be a decent sized room anyway. I like the event placed in the front of the monitors (good since they would end up being close to walls in any case).

Like you say I'm not gonna mix loud anyway (not that I like that either). Bass check is certainly gonna a job for my headphones.

Forgot to mention : my sex is fine, thank you :) And even if it were to change for obscure reasons, I wouldn't be such an easy girl... or boy... or whatever I would be !
So did you test the room with your yamahas? How was it? I'm on the same situation as you I would like to know your experience with this room.
No im moving there in two days and my yamahas are still in France so I don't think I will ever get them there unless I have a good occasion (shipping them is not worth their own price). I'm probably buying the D5, then some treatment and trying to make it decent enough for my humble needs.