To all the fans who just sat there....


Make Love, Not Peace
Apr 2, 2002
1 Hate Pit Avenue
Why bother even showing up? You looked bored, and never even clapped after the songs (for either the power or the prog bands during the entire event).

This concert is an event of a lifetime for the real fans who travelled thousands of miles, and if you are that bored that you fall asleep in the seat, don't applaud, don't sing along, and even tell people to sit down so you can see the stage, then perhaps you should not go and give your ticket up for all the real fans who were unlucky not to get one before they sold out.

Otherwise the event was pure magick. Thanks to Glenn for making dreams come true for the real fans.
Well said. I think me & my 5 buddies were the only people standing in the entire center section of the seating area. Oh well, I rocked out hard & have no voice to prove it!

Thanks all! Especially Glenn & all the bands.
well... I can't speak for everyone that sat on their ass, but I had to sit on ocassion... I'm an old man! BUT... I ALWAYS clapped and hooted and hollered after everysong!

Some of you people are so hardcore, It blows my mind! I sure wish I had your stanima! If anyone here was on the floor standing for the 6-8 hour duration of the concert, without sitting once on EITHER nights... I humbley bow down to you.
If It had been me on stage that night, I would be VERY proud to know that there are some seriously dedicated fans to the cause!
(Yeah, Mark lost his voice alright! hehehehe!)

Unfortunalty, after 3-5 hours of sleep each night, drinking and walking from here to there... I was beat. Again, I sure wish I had that kind of energy...mabey I should exercise more and quite smoking? :lol:
I think its ridiculous to suggest that if someone chooses to sit in their seat and watch a show that they are not a real fan. Personally, I enjoy rocking on the main floor and screaming my lungs out, as well as sitting in an unobstructed view seat and really watching the performance. Both are equally wonderful perspectives, although very different. I find that when I watch a band like Pain of Salvation or Dream Theater or Joe Satriani, I really want to watch - to see what they're doing and to see them pull of their difficult material in a live setting. Whereas I prefer to be more engaged and caught up in the energy of the performance of many other bands.

In either case, it's completely inappropriate to say that someone isn't a real fan, except for the cases when the person isn't really a fan at all. Perhaps the people you are refering to didn't particularly like all of the bands?

In any event, if someone wants to sit and watch a show they have every right to and shouldn't be harassed by the likes of you!

In the future, stay away from the seating area and rock out on the main floor - and get out of our way!
I have been reading this board for a few months now, but this is my first posting. I just wanted to say that I do not agree with what you have to say. I am a true fan, but I also have leukemia so I do not have the energy that I saw coming from a lot of the people around me. I was up and at em during Silent Force and Edguy, but then I was just plumb tuckered out!

What bugged me the most were the people "saving" seats for god knows how many people. I had a hard time climbing all of the stairs, but couldn't get a lower seat due to so many being saved. A lot of which I never saw anyone sitting in except between bands.

Oh well, I still had a blast even though I am paying for it now. It was a once in a lifetime thing for me and I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything!


Just my opinion
wow. that was really a dumb thing to say. how can you just assume that because people are sitting down they are not enjoying the bands they're watching? obviously they want to be there, because they shelled out the money for tickets and hotel expenses and airfare or gas money. people have different reasons for sitting "on their asses" to watch bands. I myself was one of those people who chose to sit and watch rather than stand down front. I had a great view of the stage and all the musicians, so I could see everything that was going on without having to worry about someone stepping on me or getting too happy and running into me. I enjoy shows much better when I'm comfortable. Maybe I'm just getting old, hehe
I think if you want to be down front where all the action is, great! if you want to be sitting in a seat somewhere, great! everyone expresses enthusiasm differently, so don't knock 'em for being less exuberant :)
I'm glad I was sitting down for Threshold, because otherwise I would have just fallen down. wow.

Gotta agree with the above 2 posts. Everyone enjoys sh*t in their own way...even on stage some guys were rockin out and others were pickin away on the guitars with their eyes closed. I someone wants to sit, let em. More room for us crazies up front!
You have all completely misunderstood what I was saying (except for Markgugs). I myself was in the seating area for the entire concert....

Let me make this clear: There were people in the arena who sat throughout the concert looking bored and obviously wanted nothing to do with the bands on stage - none of them. They never once clapped or cheered and at times would nod off to sleep during the music by forcing their earplugs deeper into their ear canals.

The annoying part was that if you stood to clap or sing along, they would ask you to move aside since they couldn't see the stage.

And IMO, you have to be completely detached from any musical emotion when singers like Tobias Sammet were asking everyone to stand up and clap their hands - yes, there were people who even stayed seated throughout Edguy.

My point is this: if you don't want to stand up, then that is fine (I myself need some rest every now and then), but don't tell the people who stand in the seating area to sit down just so you can get a lazyman's view, even when it's obvious that you're just bored.

Again, I am not criticising people for sitting. Please understand that.
I imagin I looked board at the show, but I can assure you i was enjoying every second of it. After only about 5 hours of sleep a night and, walking many miles in Atlanta before the show I needed to sit. I Think everyone there was enjoying the show even if they didnt look like they were.
Listen here, jack, I'm one of those who sit to watch a show. Why I do that is my business. I got into my car at 9:00 PM on Thursday night after working a double shift, drove 8 hours to North Carolina, slept along the road for 4 hours and then drove another 4 hours to Atlanta just to see the show on Friday.

You need not question my dedication. I bought the tickets. I bought them last year too. I offered to sponser a goddamned band this year. I buy tons of merchandise and cds to support the bands. That said, if I want to sit to actually see a once in a lifetime show, then I'll damn well sit, Bubba. I can jump, scream, and sing by myself to the cd and I do that. When I see the band, I want to SEE them. I don't want ask anyone to sit down or be quiet or anything. Don't ask me to stand up or sing or do anything. Mind your business and don't EVER question my dedication to metal.
I got ya man. I know what you are saying too. I would never think of sitting for a show like this but some people are just like that or, as in the case above, have some malady. I cant believe someone asked you to sit down so they could see tho, thats so ignorant and lame. Cant have your cake and eat it too, lazy people!
"give your ticket up for all the real fans"

I see now your point about those seated people, but that statement is where I have a problem with your original post.
I was one of those people right up front in the very front, and was there for every single one of the bands. I had to pee really bad after zero hour, but held it until after blind guardian, then went after them, then pushed myself back up front to see the most badass PoS. Every band was freaking amazing, except reading zero, they sort of bored me a bit, especially since I started off the day very tired, but Threshold woke me up with their awesome performance. Angra closed the weekend perfectly and amazed me, and Edu sang the old Angra songs perfectly, and better might I add.
Originally posted by LucioArgento
Let me make this clear: There were people in the arena who sat throughout the concert looking bored and obviously wanted nothing to do with the bands on stage - none of them. They never once clapped or cheered and at times would nod off to sleep during the music by forcing their earplugs deeper into their ear canals.

The annoying part was that if you stood to clap or sing along, they would ask you to move aside since they couldn't see the stage.

And IMO, you have to be completely detached from any musical emotion when singers like Tobias Sammet were asking everyone to stand up and clap their hands - yes, there were people who even stayed seated throughout Edguy.

My point is this: if you don't want to stand up, then that is fine (I myself need some rest every now and then), but don't tell the people who stand in the seating area to sit down just so you can get a lazyman's view, even when it's obvious that you're just bored.

Again, I am not criticising people for sitting. Please understand that.

The problem is, you're making absurd assumptions and generalizations. Unless you never once set eyes on the stage, how can you possibly know that there were people who never clapped, never yelled, never showed any enthusiasm? And, in addition to that, if you are 100% sure that there were some people who just sat there looking bored all night, who are you to judge their level of enthusiasm? There are plenty of people who go to concerts who are very serious about the music, and they just sit and listen. They want to watch the performance, listen to the music, and be able to digest both completely. One of the guys I live with, when he goes to concerts, whether he stands or sits, he never outwardly shows enthusiasm. He just remains still, and listens and watches. He doesn't even clap after the songs. I don't question his enthusiasm, because after the concert he has SO MUCH to say about the bands, their performances, what was impressive and what wasn't.

And finally, has it occured to you that just because they put on a good show, that doesn't mean people who previously disliked Edguy are all of a sudden going to love them? They were sitting because they don't like Edguy, and that's their right.
So you just sat there and by merely looking at them you immediately realised they were bored?! How do you even know if they're bored or not by looking at people's faces you don't even know?

People have their own way enjoying a show. Not everyone wants to jump around and scream their lungs out when watching a band live? Get some perspective.

NP: Memory Garden - Mirage
Originally posted by woosta
Don't ask me to stand up or sing or do anything. Mind your business and don't EVER question my dedication to metal.

Cool down. Take a breather.

Now re-read my post with a clear head and respond with more dignity. I never once questioned anyone for sitting down, and in fact had to reiterate it twice. You have jumped the gun. I am complaining about the people who sat and told other people to sit as well so they could see the stage. And real fans do not sleep through entire sets, so I will question what I like. If you're drunk and hungover, then go to the hotel. I think my point is valid, and since I started this thread, feel free to ignore it if you don't agree. This isn't a voting poll, and since I didn't directly address this to you, I think I am minding my business don't you think?

Originally posted by Mezarkabul
So you just sat there and by merely looking at them you immediately realised they were bored?! How do you even know if they're bored or not by looking at people's faces you don't even know?

Because they were FUCKING SLEEPING - how can I be more clear?

Sleeping through a Blind Guardian headlining act is normally a sign of boredom to the average joeblow. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. And it wasn't just Blind Guardian - there were some fans who had obviously made up their minds as to who they were going to enjoy even before the band took the stage.

I'm not sure if I can articulate myself any clearer than I have, and I'm surprised at the backlash to be honest. I thought we were all going as metal fans to enjoy the music and have fun - not watch, make notes, sleep, and complain about the view.

But somehow you've all made me out to be the bad guy.
I see your point on how if someone asked you to move, yes. They might have some emphasis though on why don't you goto the floor then if you are going to stand? Not siding with either, just a statement.

I, for one, is one of the main seaters. I love metal, but I don't goto the fashion of headbanging my heart out, air guitaring it *Too me, it's just silly, I play a lot on guitar- mostly metal, but I just don't see the satisfaction with this*, or crazily jumping up and down, etc. I don't think less of the people that do, I just don't do it. Music takes it toll for everyone, and they get into it in their own ways. Edguy, and only edguy was the only one that got me on my feet for the entire thing. The rest of the bands I wanted to see, liked no less, but enjoyed from the pleasure of my seat. I would sing, moderatly headbang, but nothing extreme. I'm not any less of a fan.

If you want to stand though, why not just goto down too the standing floor. Or stand in the aisle, something... It's not that hard of a thing to do.

The earplug comment seemed a little harsh, I wear earplugs too, and I know a lot do as well. Last concert I went too, where stood the whole time *So don't think I can't do it or lazy or what not* damaged my hearing because it was so loud. Never ever goto a loud concert especially metal without them. When you do have a problem with your hearing, and the concert is over, you will slap yourself the rest of your life. I know I am. If you buy a decent earplug, you can hear the concert fine, it just takes the harshness and damaging frequencies out. This lets me enjoy the concert fine, and not have any stuffiness, ringing, or any problems at all after it's over.

The sleeping comment also is judgemental. Some people, my girlfriend, fell asleep yes. She fell asleep during Angra, when it was one at night. After two long days, she was tired. So get off people's back if they are tired. And most bands, except Edguy, Gamma Ray, and a couple others, had extremely boring parts. I am a huge Blind Guardian fan, but I found that their appearance to be rather blah in the concert experience. They sounded fine, played good, but out of my seat - no.

Music's your own thing, it is for everyone. If some sleep, they most likely feel that way about that band. If you saw someone sleep through all 10 bands, then yeah, you're right. If not, enjoy music how you do, and let it be.
The first post came across as being very presumptuous. I am most certainly a REAL FAN, but I chose to sit most of the time. I attempted to stand up close during Blind Guardian's set, but after being jostled by some rude fan who pushed his way up to the front, I had approximately one third a square foot to stand. Now, when you're 5'7", pretty light and easy to throw around, and people in front of you are pumping there fists like madmen and might black your eye at any moment, it's not very enjoyable. I couldn't see any of the band members much of the time, and drunks kept screaming so that I could not hear parts of the music.

So I sat down. Does it make me an untrue fan because I prefer listening to the music and watching the band rather than screaming and jumping and guzzling beer? If you think so. I just don't have that kind of stamina or physical presense. Sure, if you're 6 feet tall it might be nice to stand. But for me, no thank you.

I paid far over cost for tickets on ebay, drove over 17 hours to Atlanta and back, and missed two days of school. I, sir, am a true fan.
I was one of the people dozing off during some of the power bands :zzz:
Sue me ;) Some of us drove 12+ hours to this show and were short on sleep and HUNGRY and :eek: uninterested in some of the bands. Or just plain bored of the same ole power metal drumbeat. :bah:
I have every right to shell out money just to see Pain of Salvation and Angra, as the next person has to see the first few bands and then leave after Blind Guardian.
Eventually I just went to the lobby while waiting for the headliners. I just didn't want to lose my seat before, so sorry if I offended you by looking half asleep :p I did not once however ask people to sit.
You shouldn't get so defensive tho. I mean most of the negative replies you got were before you changed your story to only being against people who asked others to sit down.

And the whole thing about how apalled you were for people not clapping along etc when the bands ask is laughable.
Even if they were sleeping you have no right whatsoever to diss them! Maybe they traveled hundreds of miles and were really tired and didn't really care for the band on stage at the moment. Who are you to criticise them anyway? They, like you, paid their money for the show. Maybe they didn't want to stand up and scream "AAAAAARRGHH!!" to Edguy or something.

NP: Gamma Ray - Blast from the Past