tom mics?


Nov 8, 2005
i'm making a mic list for a session i'm doing in about a month, and i can't decide what mic's to use on toms. I really like 421's and u87's on toms, although i don't think i can swing 3 u87's. Also i found the u87's were alittle too easy to distort the diaphragm.

what mics do you guys like for toms? i'm going to get 3 421s, as the main pair/standby. the toms are standard 13/14/16 or whatever the common rock size is. I'm going to be using coated emporers on them. I want a versitile sound, some of it is going to be soft, some metal. Mahogany shells.

some mics i have to choose from:
ksm 44s

dont worry too much about the list, i'd just like to hear suggestions.
Wait...u87 as in Neumann u87...on toms!?!? I'm relatively new to this, I admit, but using a big ol' LD condenser mic on toms just seems really strange to me...ditto with the KSM44's.
87s on toms is pretty bad ass actually, but you have to pad em up and get some distance...

My choices:

58s (Hey if it works for michael wagner there's gotta be somethign to it)
414s- Best toms I've ever gotten were 414s on the top, 421s on the bottoms...worked well.
Audix D4s...never used the D2 but love the D4

Josephson e22S are apparently the shit for toms, although I've never used em.
421's sound freakin awesome, I think they pick up the low end the best. Audix D's series can't go wrong there, and the E604/609 are great as well.
Now would you use the d4 only for a floor tom? Our drummer has 4 toms and was debating should i buy 3 d2's and 1 d'4???

The md421 are just out of my price range cause i would need 4 of them :OMG:
bang for buck... the mk012 makes for an excellent tom mic and can be used as overheads and a lot of other applications. I can't speak to the mc012 though.
Well, 421's are obvious mics to use and I always seem to get good results with 'em. On many sessions I've used 421's on rack toms and a AKG D12 (not 112) on floor tom, it's a nice combination, since D12 works for floor tom nicely.

I've also had some really good results with Beyerdynamic Opus88, AKG 414, Neumann U87, Sennheiser 609... so it depends what you're after and what mics you have in your arsenal.