TV and Entertainment


Active Member
Aug 21, 2008
Thought I would make a thread about this since it has happened yet.

I'm watching Deadliest Warrior on Spike right now. Shit's pretty badass.:kickass:

:edit: Deadliest Warrior, oops.

Well anyways, right now they're showing some wiffle ball bat looking thing with Obsidian shards on the side. It's apparantly more sharp than a surgical scalpel.
I never watch TV really, but every now and then I watch Ninja Warrior, Adventure Time, Deadliest Warrior, and maybe Bizzarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman or w/e.

It's usually only when I'm on my last straw of ideas for things to do though.
:lol: Touche'

It makes sense, I swear.

I go to the movies quite often, I just don't really sit there in front of my tv for long periods of time unless it's for video games.
i was hooked on the Law & Order series. Other than that just Family Guy, and The Office occasionally
I watched the last 4 episodes of 24 last night back to back. They are the only episodes I've seen of seen. It was pretty entertaining.

My favourite show is probably Scrubs but the only things I watch on TV are panel quiz shows. QI, 8 out of 10 cats, Mock the Week etc.
My friend used to have the first couple seasons of scrubs on DVD and for some reason whenever we got drunk at his house that's what we would end up watching.

God I hate every new user on this forum :lol:


Oh wait, this doesn't so much pertain to me anymore.
Oh wait, this doesn't so much pertain to me anymore.

If you joined after 2007 you'll always be considered "new" by the Oldfag Generation Mk. II. Just like how Oldfag Generation Mk. II will always be considered new by Oldfag Generation Mk. I (the 2002-2005 oldfags).

It is the way.
People actually liked Lost? Lol. You learn things every day I guess.

Been following SGU lately, didn't have any hopes of it because I've never really liked the original Stargates, but its decent