Uh Oh


Ocean Soul
Aug 13, 2005
Athens, GA
Recently Posted on Blabbermouth:

SPASTIC INK always gets invited to play overseas festivals, but we haven't played one gig, and probably never will. WATCHTOWER was just recently invited to play at the 6th annual ProgPower festival in Atlanta, which will happen in September '06.

It was taken from and interview with Ron Jarzombek, look on Blabbermouth for the whole thing. This violates one of Glenn's cryptic clues since Watchtower are an American band as far as I know, and next September will be progpower 7, not 6. But why would they say this in an interview if it ws untrue? Thoughts on this?
No idea. I'd like to hear what Glenn has to say.

Maybe I'll swing over to the Spastic Ink/Watchtower forum and ask Ron about it though.
But why would they say this in an interview if it ws untrue?

I don't know. Why would Vainglory Boy tell everyone at ProgPower V that his band was playing next year (at VI)?

Maybe Glenn's clues were meant to throw us off the scent of the "true" lineup. ;)
I honest to God have no clue what that is about. I will go on record and say that no invitation has been extended to Watchtower this year. Perhaps there has been some confusion with either ProgPower Europe or UK?

I went ahead and emailedl Blabbermouth on the issue as well.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
I honest to God have no clue what that is about. I will go on record and say that no invitation has been extended to Watchtower this year. Perhaps there has been some confusion with either ProgPower Europe or UK?

I went ahead and emailedl Blabbermouth on the issue as well.

Glenn H.

Ah darn, I was a little bit excited too.
Ah, I didn't see where it said "Blabbermouth". That explains everything... if you read it on Blabbermouth, it doesn't make it true.
The wording of that doesn't even make sense.

The first line says how they get invited to OVERSEAS festivals all the time. And the next line is about Progpower USA. I say it's either a really bad typo or a full out misinterpretation where they really meant another Progpower festival that would be overseas for them.
I guess it's just some sort of illness that guitarists have. In this case, however, the band wasn't even asked to play. It's one thing to have rumors flying around, but when the musicians themselves are making the shit up, that's just plain silly.

Stay metal. Never rust.
That sucks for Ron. Now he's publicly gone on record saying they're invited to a festival they never truely were. :( I don't even know Watchtower, but thats a crappy situation for any band.
Harvester said:
Actually, Ron was lied to by someone claiming to represent me. I have the proof and am considering my options on how to deal with this person.

Glennn H.

Promoting is no easy task huh? What's next, you contact Michael Weikath, he accepts, only for you to find out it was actually Jack Frost impersonating Weiki and Seven Witches shows up to ruin the show!!!
nightwish58 said:
Promoting is no easy task huh? What's next, you contact Michael Weikath, he accepts, only for you to find out it was actually Jack Frost impersonating Weiki and Seven Witches shows up to ruin the show!!!

God Forbid.


God Forbid.
nightwish58 said:
Promoting is no easy task huh? What's next, you contact Michael Weikath, he accepts, only for you to find out it was actually Jack Frost impersonating Weiki and Seven Witches shows up to ruin the show!!!


That's funny!

What a nightmare!!!!
