Ultimate-Best-Greatest Anthrax Song of all


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Ok does it get any bigger than this? Does it get any damn harder than this?

Not asking your favourite but this is a question of what is the GREATEST, BE ALL , END ALL (no pun) Anthrax song of all Eternity? What song will this band be remembered for in 50 years time (media would say Bring the Noise with PE but we know better).

Ok here we go. Let it rip.

For me it's gotta be Among the Living - that song is the first that springs to my head when I think of the band. Its a tough one as I won't say its my all time favourite but it for me is definetly their best song ever. Has it all. Killer spooky intro to get the hairs on your neck standing up then the brutal drum intro that then rips into a fast as light grab you by the throat riff.

SHITE, rap will hopefully still not rule the roost by then and it won't be "I'm The Man".

I AM The Law

I also like "Into To Reality" into "Belly of the Beast"
not so much belly of, but it's like a two parter song like Brain Damage/Eclipse

They take a snippet from a Twilight Zone episode where the Nazi concentration camp leader has to revisit the ghosts of the jews he put to death.

"We did as we were told."

"We've just heard you offer the apologies for all of the monsters of our time"

"Is that correct?!?!?!"

"ha. ha. ahh-ha. aaaaahahahahahahaha"

I don't know, just something about marrying my favorite tv show to that instrumental and eventual song does it for me...IMHO opinion, it wouldn't have been radio friendly (but what metal is in their eyes!?!?!) it should have been the precursor to the song "belly of..."

Gets me rockin every time!!!! :headbang: :hotjump: :Spin:
Bullseye74 said:
SHITE, rap will hopefully still not rule the roost by then and it won't be "I'm The Man".

I AM The Law

I also like "Into To Reality" into "Belly of the Beast"
not so much belly of, but it's like a two parter song like Brain Damage/Eclipse

They take a snippet from a Twilight Zone episode where the Nazi concentration camp leader has to revisit the ghosts of the jews he put to death.

"We did as we were told."

"We've just heard you offer the apologies for all of the monsters of our time"

"Is that correct?!?!?!"

"ha. ha. ahh-ha. aaaaahahahahahahaha"
The Enemy is also about Nazi fucks too.
aliasp said:
I actually prefer John's GO2E take on it ... the lower octave range for me suits the song better.

I actually thought it was awful - only Bush version of Joey material on TGO2E that I didn't like - I dunno - it just sounded wrong to me, but each to theirs.

My ultimate Thrax song would have to be CAUGHT IN A MOSH.
timmyc said:
I actually thought it was awful - only Bush version of Joey material on TGO2E that I didn't like - I dunno - it just sounded wrong to me, but each to theirs.

My ultimate Thrax song would have to be CAUGHT IN A MOSH.

I think Mosh is probably Anthrax's Anthem song ... :headbang:

I think the hardest thing with GO2E was probably trying to forget the originals and compare - maybe just take them for what they are.

Maiden - Number of the Beast, Run to the Hills
Metallica - Creeping Death, Whiplash ???
Megadeth - Peace Sells
Slayer - Reign in Blood (?)
Julio - To all the girls I loved before
dutchy said:

Actually Dutchy - funny you mention NFL. I am falling in love with this song again in a whole new way. I can't explain it... its just such a brilliant song.
It´s vewy, vewy difficult.
For me it´s Caught In A Mosh (Joey era) and Catharsis (John era) but talking about pretty much groundbreaking stuff it has to be Only...