Very specific requirements for next guitar, any suggestions?

Hmm, those Rondo axes always made me kinda nervous - there's gotta be some catch for the low prices, and anyway, it's got two big deal-breakers in the form of the Alder body and middle pickup (I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HHHHAAAAAAATTTTTEEEE middle pickups, they always get in the way of my pick and I have no use for 'em). Thanks though dude, definitely close!
Bump, but I think I'm gonna pick up an H-1001 later this summer unless anyone has any other suggestions!
Basically any variant on the standard hardtail, where the height of each string saddle is adjustable (see the guitar below, which would otherwise be pretty good); the little allen screws are really sharp on the tops and rake into the side of my palm, and more importantly, I just want two screws that raise/lower the whole bridge.
Ahhhh, okay. So you want a guitar with a separate Gibson style (aka "Tune-o-Matic" or "TOM") bridge that only allows saddles to individually adjusted for scale length, not a Fender or Kahler style all-in-one bridge that also allows saddles to be individually adjusted for height.

The reason I ask is, all the suggested guitars pictured in this thread so far have "individually-adjustable saddles" but you hadn't vetoed them for (seemingly) violating your requirements, so I had been starting to get that Inigo Montoya sort of feeling... :loco:

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Hahahahaha, right, my bad, I should've specified that I hate saddles that have individually-adjustable height - of course all saddles are individually adjustable for intonation, but I can see how that'd be confusing.